Posted on Nov 6, 2016
Why isn’t the assassination attempt on Donald Trump bigger news?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 22
That story was from June, btw. The incident on Saturday wasn't an assassination attempt - no weapon, and the individual was released.
It was a Republican AGAINST Trump. Why would you want that reported? There was no assignation attempt. Maybe Comey's information today was more significant.
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Forgive me for misspelling assasin. Spellcheck doesn't always understand where you want to go! My new iPhone touch seems more difficult.
SGT (Join to see)
Col Rebecca Lorraine - Yes ma'am, when all else fails, blame it on the phone. LOL ;-)
Maj John Bell
Col Rebecca Lorraine - Every time they talk about driverless cars I think of spell check on iPhone.
SPC Phil Norton
he claimed to be republican they found that to be false also his dead grandmother voted five times this year already his sister works for the Clinton campaign they did not find a gun on him he had an anti trump sighn folded up in the back of his belt and when he quickly went for it naturally people around him and jumped him to prevent a possible attempt then some one yelled gun because that was the intended appearance so mam this guy was not a republican but another DNC plant he was released but now they are investigating how his dead grandmother voted so hes got problems ahead
I think you need to clarify your question with dates. There was NO assassination attempt on Mr. Trump on November 5, 2016. A man attending his rally pulled out a sign "republicans against Trump", other attendees saw it and began scuffling with the man. Another person saw the melee and yelled "gun" which sent the Secret Service agents into action. The unarmed man was pulled out of the crowd, questioned and released. People attending the rally began misguidedly tweeting about Mr. Trump surviving an attempt on his life, which we now know is untrue. There is no story to report on.
Is this what you were referring to, SGT?
Is this what you were referring to, SGT?
SPC Phil Norton
it wasnt the sign it was the manner and fashion of how he had and went for the sign he had it folded and concealed behind his back in his waist band and under his sweater the quick movement of trying to pull something from where one would conceal a weapon is what caused the disturbance not the sign
MAJ Edgar S OteroMuniz
I believe you are confused. Wasn’t that the teenager that tried to get the gun from one of the policemen but was to slow and got easily apprehended. Maybe I’m the confused one .
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