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Responses: 5
SSG Robert Webster
Though all of this is upsetting, WHAT IS THE INTENT of the article?
What is the agenda that the author is trying to support?

I would suggest that you sit back and read the first three paragraphs to the article and try and digest them and figure out what the article is about and do that two or three times.
This is a poor way to start an article on this particular subject, especially since it apparently is supposed to highlight that sexual trauma, depression, and PTSD and their combination are major factors contributing to female military service member and veteran suicide rates.

It is really sad to read key words or trigger words used in such a manner, and this is supposed to help resolve the problem of suicide? If you do not understand my reference, note how in the article it states - "calls “highly lethal” firearms," as if firearms are not already "highly lethal."

It is even more ironic that the last paragraph reinforces the mistaken belief that most military suicides stem from combat experience when the factual evidence shows that those that have never seen or actually participated in combat are on par with those that have - and that goes for both men and women.
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SSG Jessica Bautista
Alright, here I go on my feminist agenda. Men suck!
(Just kidding, just kidding...)

So, take all the issues that male Veterans have, add the fact that most programs don't address the issues unique to women. We're often outsiders in a job that relies on cohesion, more so when we leave service.
PFC Lisa McDonald
PFC Lisa McDonald
7 y
As of the writing of this article women comprised 15.3% of the military. The article contains breakdown by branch with the Marines at 7.6%.
PFC Lisa McDonald
PFC Lisa McDonald
PFC Lisa McDonald
7 y
Recent Army recruiting goals have been about 16%. Other branches I know also set pretty low recruitment goals for women.
I think this contributes to a lot of the sexual harrasment and assault problem.
You have a fairly small amount of women with a much larger group of men.
I think the services should have to set a mandatory 25% recruitment goal for women. Women are slightly over 50% of the population and getting pregnant and starting families later.
I think of that 25% a fairly high % would be one term enlistees but that's okay. It would also would increase the number who choose to make a career out of it!
You also now have more women veterans who hopefully become more visible and in support of each other.
Higher amounts of women would also help counter military male negative stereotypes of women.
All of this will benefit not only women but society. I honestly believe it would help to drop the number of female vets if their service was held equal to males.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
7 y
PFC Lisa McDonald Lofty goals, for sure. There will need to be a significant shift in culture before that happens though.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Interesting read, thank you.
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