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PFC Nicholas Efstathiou
Great share, Chip.
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LCDR Joshua Gillespie
Edited >1 y ago
Hmmm... I see the forest without the trees.

Simple minds seek simple answers; it doesn't matter whether they are "activists" incensed with apparent inequality... or "privileged" persons incapable of accepting that the world doesn't mirror their delusions. Both are the products of a society so far removed from reality and rationality that the last refuge is outrage, overreaction, and hyper-awareness.

Practical persons with deeper emotional and psychological coping mechanisms realize that very little is to be taken at face value. There are no guarantees; every position in life is determined by a myriad of factors. Compromise, compliance, "paying one's dues", manipulation, extortion, reward, punishment, etc... etc. The list goes on and on. If you want to be a wolf, you have to live by the pack's rules. If you want to be a sheep... you have to follow the flock. The rare individuals who decide to live and act independently, do so at some cost... be it the loss of opportunity, relationships, security, or comfort.

What matters is knowing one's true self and being able to live with that knowledge.
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