Posted on Jul 18, 2016
WH responds to petition to label Black Lives Matter a "terror" group
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
So I take it Sgt that you're also for labeling the KKK, the CCofC, the Aryan Brotherhood, and the Army of God as terrorist groups as well, am I right?
SPC David Hannaman
I don't know what "CCoC" and "Army of God" are, but I'm certainly in favor of the KKK and Aryan Brother hood being labeled as the terrorists that they are.
I graduated High School in Spokane, WA just a few miles from Hayden late Idaho. At the time that the Aryan Nation had a 20 acre compound. I don't know how you could categorize it as anything other than a terrorist training camp.
I graduated High School in Spokane, WA just a few miles from Hayden late Idaho. At the time that the Aryan Nation had a 20 acre compound. I don't know how you could categorize it as anything other than a terrorist training camp.
SPC Kirk Gilles
The KKK was taken apart financially by the US Govt using RICO statutes. Property was seized etc. They don't have much going on. Ten of them appeared recently in Sacramento. They were attacked, some were stabbed. No charges filed.
AB is a Prison gang just as the Black Guerrila Family is.
Yesterday the news cameras showed BLM at Cleveland Convention center. They were standing under the Palestinian flag. An attorney who claimed to be BLMs attorney stated into the mic that Micah Johnson was a hero. Label them all however it's needed to take action to end them.
AB is a Prison gang just as the Black Guerrila Family is.
Yesterday the news cameras showed BLM at Cleveland Convention center. They were standing under the Palestinian flag. An attorney who claimed to be BLMs attorney stated into the mic that Micah Johnson was a hero. Label them all however it's needed to take action to end them.
SPC Kirk Gilles
Aryan Nations was at Hayden Lake ID. Ended when its leader died and his money ran out.
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So when the cops were stomping in the heads of Blacks it's ok? Did anyone make a request that the LAPD, CHiP, Chicago PD, and numerous southern PD's be labeled as a terrorist org? Chi PD was just shown to have been running a "undercover" lockup where due process was denied, the ability to talk to your attorney was denied, or they were given a fake time and location to throw them off. We could name hundreds of issues from the Jim Crow era to now where the police were either complicit in the act of killing, or just did it. How many PD's are named as "Terrorists Groups"? You cannot ask folks to "forgive and forget" what happened yesterday, when it's still going on today. Only separation is time and names. In DC in the 80's and 90's we had 'jump outs". cops who would literally jump out of the car to effect an "arrest". How many cops harmed folks who honestly needed to be arrested, but were given "gifts" of an asswhooping on the way to jail? What about the CHiP officer who was seen beating the brakes off a woman on the side of the road? She was mentally ill, put up no resistance, but got an asswhooping from hell....and it's her fault? "Well the video comes in at a certain point, so we have no idea how it got to this point". What does that mean? She was being beaten good, and you're telling the public to disregard what is seen in the video since it comes in where he's beating her ass? The police cannot have it one way. You cannot be expected to allow them to enforce the law and break it at will and have the public accept it as part of the job. You cannot hide behind the standard phrases that are given and once shown to be false, use another one or threaten to use "blue flu" and not come to work. If you haven't seen this, the Judge owns the former cop on the way to prison. Being a honest cop is one of the hardest things you will ever do. Keeping the integrity and respect of those you patrol; around will be harder. But you cannot expect America on the poorer side of the tracks to sit by and constantly be locked up on bogus charges, ass whoopings, planted evidence, unjust double standards according to race, be denied due process, and really expect America to say "yeah they deserved that and more". If you break it down and looked at who is hurt the most in these crimes against the public, it's the poor. Race immaterial. How the hell does a cop know he could rape as many women as he did, and no one did anything? 236 years to figure that one out. You have lots of time. The CHiP who beat that woman won the "ghetto lottery". I cannot speak for anyone else, but you can take that put in your back pocket and jump into traffic with that. I damn sure do not want to have my ass beat and then be blamed for it. What many do see the need for is accountability. Except where is it unless you're the one in jail? Ferg was proof that the PD was using the minorities as a cash cow. DOJ even mentioned it. When the agreement that was reached between the two was sue to take effect.....did anyone notice that the Ferg council said no? Reason given was "it's too expensive". You just validated everything the DOJ said was wrong. Nobody deserves to be handed their ass in their hands for no good reason other than you're poor and I'm not. I'm a cop and you're not. I have a union and you have crappy public defender. I do not want to see one hair on a cop harmed. I wasn't brought up that way. At the same time, I was brought up that respect is earned, not given. I see a lot of people wanting respect off their badge and profession, but not off the actual deeds they do or don't do.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Trust Palmer - Wanna tell me why there is a sale on belts? Is this your way of dropping hints? Good thing you can't buy a switch!!!
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Trust Palmer - I'm glad you and JP are smiling. After the last two days on here, we ALL need to pump brakes and laugh. Granted I won't laugh anywhere near you (I know the rules very well), we still need it, and before the week is out, something stupid will happen to piss all of us off again. This honestly will be me this weekend, and I SWEAR I'll NEVER buy another vehicle with the intent of spending "just" 10k in custom work.
I support Blue Lives, I have Family and Friends that are Police. I Support Black Lives Matter "BLM" Because "They Do" I believe BLM has a Legitimate Gripe that African Americans have been the Victims of Excessive Force by Law Enforcement even unto Death but Labeling someone a Terrorist for Challenging that Problem solves nothing.
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