Posted on Nov 17, 2017
WaPo: Groping Franken Should Not Resign Because He Might be Replaced by a Republican
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
This is the same flawed logic that the Governor of Alabama just used to justify her continuing to support Roy Moore. She said, "I believe those women......but we need to keep that seat in Republican hands, so I will be voting for Roy Moore." Let that sink in.......she believes the man molested under aged girls......but for political purposes, she is willing to overlook it and send that man to the United States Senate. This is the state of our politics......a person's qualifications, or a person's morals, no longer matter. The only thing that matters is whether they have a "D" or an "R" after their name on the ballot. Sad......
SSgt Christopher Brose
Physical evidence trumps everything. In Bill Clinton's case, there are stains on a dress. With Al Franklin, there is a photo. In Roy Moore's case, there is a yearbook... which is looking more and more like it's going to prove his accuser is a liar, not that Moore is a sexual predator.
SSgt Gary Andrews
Physical evidence doesn't always seem to matter, SSgt Brose. Trump didn't need any of it when he paraded Bill Clinton's accusers around before that debate.....just their word they were harassed. Then we had audio tape of Trump bragging about the things he can do to women because he's famous......didn't seem to matter. We'll see about the yearbook....if it's shown to be valid.....will that convince you, or is that just one more thing to be ignored?
Susan Foster
You won't always have physical evidence. At that time in AL (and I dare say still), those girls didn't have a chance of being believed anymore than they do now. This should not be a political issue. I know women who were molested 40 years ago and have never faced their accusers (and have terrible problems because of it). I believe it's serious that Bill Clinton did what he did (at least he faced public humiliation) and should have resigned, as well as the others, including Franken, and the POTUS who was recorded on tape and had 14 women accuse him. We all seem to excuse those who have ideologies like ours, and we shouldn't.
What????? WAPO has a political agenda???? And it's liberal? Who'd a thunk it???
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