Responses: 12
PO2 Kevin Parker
Hey Cowboy, we don't call our Warrant Officers Chief in the Navy! Chiefs start at E-7, E-8 Senior Chief, E-9 Master Chief. As an army brat, rotc and then joining the Navy, I learned that very quick :)
Great video, CWO3 Dennis M.! Here's a photo of the first Enterprise and a link to a piece about the various U.S. ships named Enterprise down through the years!
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL LCDR (Join to see) MAJ Rene De La Rosa COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL LCDR (Join to see) MAJ Rene De La Rosa COL Mikel J. Burroughs

The Legend of the USS ENTERPRISE
The month of May historically has been an important time forthe USS Enterprise. On May 12, 1938 the USS Enterprise CV-6 was commissioned and on May 18, 1775
CWO3 Dennis M.
Thank you LTC Stephen C. I greatly enjoyed the read, but it tugged at my heart strings because I have a close connection to that ship. I knew she was decommissioned, but to read some of the details about her decommissioning was a tough pill to swallow. I served almost 4 years on her and made Chief Petty Officer (E-7) on her in 1979. I was given a Division to run as the Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO) of about 35 men. We were all Electronic Technicians with our specialty in maintenance and repair of the entire communications package of the Big E. And I can tell you it was a huge package of electronic equipment and included all the Crypto equipment. Those 35 men were some of the finest men I ever served with. I stay in touch with them to this day, minus two who are no longer with us. Thank you again Col. for the link about the the ENTERPRISE!
LTC Stephen C.
It's good to keep up with your shipmates, CWO3 Dennis M.. I have a number of old Army buddies and we maintain contact as well.
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