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Responses: 3
MAJ James Woods
Looks like we're pulling out of Iraq again. And of course it's the Warhawks in congress and defense lobbyists getting feathers ruffled. Our missions in both countries are over. Nation building wasn't an objective but selling US goods was the corporate goals. Time to let them chart their own path.
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MGySgt Network Operations Chief
Strictly my opinion: We shouldn't be any place that long but there needs to be a planned withdrawal/turnover and no politics. This was a waste of time, money, and lives. All we did was re-arm the Taliban or whoever, and give our enemies access to our equipment since we leave so much behind. We were never going to win that place as history has always proven. I agree with why we went there, I don't agree with why we stayed.
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Sgt Self Employed
He makes valid points especially in his comparison to Vietnam. The politicians had no real plan on what they needed to do or how to accomplish whatever goals they set. They handcuffed the military from doing it's job because even though war is a bloody business, they don't want to see blood on CNN. That makes bad press. And in both places, the enemy has the gift of time. They simply had to sit back and wait until we left, knowing that we'd not want to go back again. He's also correct about the American public loosing interest. America cares about victory. When there is no clear victory, they don't care.
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