Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 13
CPL Michael Hajec
MAJ Hugh Blanchard the average speed for terminal velocity of a free falling human is 110 and 125 mph, sir. Just an FYI.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Thanks very much, I thought it was higher. Been a while since I had my knees in the breeze.
The link didn't work however the deserter, Bowe Bergdahl didn't deserve to return to the US and Obama traded six Terrorist Taliban out of US custody from Gitmo for that rat. One of those He returned in now in the Taliban leadership in Afghanistan. Now Biden carries on giving everything back to the Taliban.
That link didn't work for me MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. so I tried this one; is that correct?

US offers to trade back Bowe Bergdahl
Seems like a fair deal.
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