Posted on Jan 4, 2022
U.S. judge blocks punishment of Navy SEALs who refused vaccine
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 5
Don't have enough info. Would like to know what the religious grounds were. Just happy Washington did not have these issues when he issued his smallpox vcacine mandate during the Revolutionary war. We might still all be answering to the British Crown.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO2 Marco Monsalve Never Thought I'd See the Day that "Seals" would be such "Whimps" or More Correctly Political Tools and Christian Taliban, Definitely Not the Seal's that I Remember.
CPO Arthur Weinberger
great comments. I am on the same page as you, chip and those of us who about mankind.Have a great new year.
SFC Casey O'Mally
You are right. I mean, I am absolutely positive that 100% of all minutemen were vaccinated. There is not a possibility in that day with their record keeping capabilities - or lack thereof - that anyone wishing to refuse the vaccine could have slipped through the cracks.
Then, again, there is the difference that smallpox was exceptionally deadly. And the fact that the vaccine actually prevented smallpox. But sure - false equivalence away.
Then, again, there is the difference that smallpox was exceptionally deadly. And the fact that the vaccine actually prevented smallpox. But sure - false equivalence away.
Good news.
I do not have a problem with religious exemptions being denied and sevicemembers separated.
What I *do* have a problem with is 100% of religious exemptions denied. That means there is no religious exemptions, and would violate the free exercise clause AND the actual order mandating the shots, which requires compliance with DoDI 6025.02 (IIRC). And the DoDI requires medical and administrative exemptions, including religious ones.
What I *also* have a problem with is the punitive steps the Navy was trying to take - removal from Special Operator status just for FILING for the religious exemption; kicked out of the SEALs; and here is the big one - forced to pay back the Navy for EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL - regardless of the fact that the majority of these SEALs (with over 100 cumulative combat deployments) had already put those skills to use on behalf of the government. If you want to kick them out AFTER a final disapproval, fine. But kick them out and leave them alone. Don't sideline them while their exemption is being processed. Don't take their pay, and don't kick them out with a bill in the millions of dollars.
I do not have a problem with religious exemptions being denied and sevicemembers separated.
What I *do* have a problem with is 100% of religious exemptions denied. That means there is no religious exemptions, and would violate the free exercise clause AND the actual order mandating the shots, which requires compliance with DoDI 6025.02 (IIRC). And the DoDI requires medical and administrative exemptions, including religious ones.
What I *also* have a problem with is the punitive steps the Navy was trying to take - removal from Special Operator status just for FILING for the religious exemption; kicked out of the SEALs; and here is the big one - forced to pay back the Navy for EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL - regardless of the fact that the majority of these SEALs (with over 100 cumulative combat deployments) had already put those skills to use on behalf of the government. If you want to kick them out AFTER a final disapproval, fine. But kick them out and leave them alone. Don't sideline them while their exemption is being processed. Don't take their pay, and don't kick them out with a bill in the millions of dollars.
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