Posted on Jul 18, 2016
Trump Has Made America More Racist. Republicans Are OK With That.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 14
Racism is a multi lane highway and it travels in both directions.
I don't believe that he has made people more racist, I believe that his rhetoric encouraged individuals to express their racism that was already engrained in them. I also believe that ever since the 2008 election of POTUS, the ugliest past of our country was awakened and was brought to the forefront. This was evident when the senate met prior to him ever taking the office to ensure that they were going to block everything that he put forward.
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
Not to be rude, but I have to wonder at your statement. Pres Obama took office with a Democrat Senate and Congress. Exactly why would this single party block a president that they were overjoyed to have? Am I the only one who recalls the near worship that Harry Reid et al, had during those first few years? Am I the only one who recalls that this same body decided that they were going to use the Nuclear option to pass Health Care, when they couldn't get it thru?
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