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Responses: 11
LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Okay PO1 Tony Holland I had to chuckle when reading "top economists" no longer buying "trickle down"
[Edited] My long deceased uncle was a senior economist with the World Bank who had pictures of himself with Nasser and other world leaders and was widely traveled. We used to laugh in shared amusement because economists are akin to philosophers in that their heads tend to be in the clouds with John Maynard Keynes, etc.
The pejorative "Trickle down" which was foisted against supply-side economics in the Reagan year backfired against the benighted folks who favor sound bites over substance :-)
worked very well when Ronald Regan was President and I expect it will work well now that Donald Trump is President.
A major challenge is to execute a fiscal policy with regulatory and tax law changes that synch with it.
FYI LTC Orlando Illi MSgt Robert C Aldi Capt Jeff S. CPT Jack Durish SFC Stephen King LTC Stephen C. LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Capt Seid Waddell MSgt Danny Hope LTC (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Charles H. Hawes SCPO Morris Ramsey
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
>1 y
Thanks for your deep insight and explanation no matter how flawed it is. Veteran status does not get you a free pass when the rhetoric that is posted is so anti American that it turns one stomach. If it stabs you in the heart so be it. Given the responses I get to the issues I respond to lead me to believe that I am on the right track and perhaps not as dumb shit as you think. You need to do some deep instrospective analysis and find a path that supports this nation and it’s fragile future.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - I voted up your comment for the positive comments not the insults. Be careful about insulting other RallyPoint members.
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Oh make no mistake about it MSgt Sweeney my authority has been earned both in the military and the corporate world, and my privilege is the result of extremely hard work my entire life... no one ever gave me anything I earned it. I refuse to bow to those who want to take my "financial privilege" and "spread the wealth" or those who want to try to "beat" me down on matters of national importance because they simply disagree with a a point of view or lack the internal courage of their own convictions. I "own" the Constitution... swore an oath to support and defend it... an oath I still honor because you see while my status is "retired" but my Commision... a SPECIAL trust bestowed on me by the the people of the United States of America is still valid and just as "in force" as the first day I raised my right hand. Privilege... perhaps but an earned privilege. Again... sorry if your feelings were hurt because I identified a special group on Rally Point as being as wrong headed and misguided as the Politburo of the old USSR... that's my observation and call out and you called me a dumb shit for it... fair enough I would not deny you the right even if you are terribly misguided. However, if you don't feel privileged I cannot imagine what you feel. You are privileged to live in the greatest social experiment ever carried out my mankind. You were privileged to have served in an elite military organization and from all appearances you were able to complete a successful career... Can't tell what you have done since then since your profile is only 20% complete However, these two data points alone should make it obvious that you too are privileged.
So I guess anti-American is in the eye of the beholder... In my eye when you rail against the system, The President, the Commander-in-Chief and use a forum such as RP to express your resistance because you did not win... well in my eye that is anti-American even if you are a veteran. American is...You vote... you lose you wait to vote again and effect change. Policies are the issue... policies!
Resist if you must but know that once you have taken a shot you need to be prepared to receive return fire. Its an old combat soldiers thing... once you fire be prepared to receive return fire... displace... shift and fire again. So if you wish.... keep up the fire... I love it!
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
>1 y
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LTC Orlando Illi
The problem with this "...analysis..." is that it is based upon class warfare rather then then fact. Keynesian economics works only as long as you spend other peoples money and to do that you penalize those who had the impudence to work and become sucessful. Regarding blowing up the deficit? Now these liberal geniuses are concerned about debt after Barak and company's orgy of Government spending? Seriously? Finally to say the Daily Koss and journalistic excellence in the same sentence is oxymoronic.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
Now conservatives are shrugging off the deficit, after screaming about it for the past 8 years.
LTC Orlando Illi
LTC Orlando Illi
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - I have never believed in Keynesian Economics. You can never spend enough of other peoples money to revive an economy because at somepoint you run out of other peoples money. Not to worry MSG - you are free, due to your obvious altruism, to donate as much as you like to the IRS. I, in the other hand, would love a tax cut.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
LTC Orlando Illi - Now please explain to me where you saw anything to suggest your response to my post. My intent was only to point out the hypocrisy of one party complaining about the deficit when they are not in power as the other party.
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - OR liberals are screaming wait after their spend free years.

Same old story - if my party does it it is great. If your part does it it is disaster.

No really it is mostly just political BS.
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CPT Jack Durish
I can't believe that anyone is still beating this dead horse. "Trickle Down" was an invention of the Democrats in a desperate and failed bid to cut into President Reagan's popularity. No Republican or Conservative ever used that phrase in any context other than to pin the tail on the donkey that created it. And once again we see the economy rising, not because of some "leadership" emanating from the District of Calamity, but in spite of it. The economy (as well as its handmaidens, consumer and investor confidence) are largely bolstered by promises by politicians that they will get out of the way and allow We the Deplorables to do what we do best, produce and consume with less government intervention. Nothing disturbs Democrats as much as seeing this happen. Their whole goal is to control human behavior because only they know what is best for us. We the Deplorables, they are convinced, will only suffer and fail when left to our own devices. Thus, they regulate us at every turn, and if regulation fails to force us to act "properly", then they used fear. Human-caused climate change is an excellent example of this strategy. So, when someone goes to Washington and attempts to lower government intervention and we succeed, the Democrats cry foul. "Don't look behind that curtain!" When the climate refuses to comply with their computer models, they cry foul and jigger with the data to show otherwise. I'd actually feel sorry for them if they weren't so damn tyrannical.
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