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Responses: 9
CPT Jack Durish
What would a Convention of the States accomplish? The Constitution isn't the problem. In fact, it was discarded in principle so long ago that the government little resembles the one it describes. And we don't need a Convention of the States to replace our elected officials. We have regular elections to accomplish that. No, the real problem is us, We the People. We're the ones who allowed this to happen. We're the ones who elect and reelect those we love to complain about. No, we don't need a convention of any kind, just a mirror...
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
7 y
CPT Jack Durish Agree with all you said. My only addition would be the apathy of a large part of the population with regards to educating themselves about positions/issues, and just going with what their friends say...
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
7 y
LT Brad McInnis - Apathy or laziness?
LT Brad McInnis
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MSgt James Mullis
I think that in 2018 we may just see the rise of the Tea Party 3.0.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
7 y
That may just be a great move - the GOP is not doing their job.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
7 y
The GOP has been off the mark for 50+ years. So have the Dems. And we buy into it everyday.
MSgt James Mullis
MSgt James Mullis
7 y
SSgt (Join to see) - SP5 Mark Kuzinski - In 2010 the Tea Party scared the bejesus out of both the Democrats and Republicans. So much so that both parties spent huge amounts of money to ensure the Tea Party incumbents would lose in 2012, 2014, and 2016. Then Trump came along and beat both parties. 2018 will be very interesting.
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LTC Marc King
In 2018 if they hold such a convention of states it will be the beginning of the end of the Republic. Look at how Congress is operating. The same types of resistance and unwillingness to compromise is being played out in State Houses it's just not reflected in the news. Tear apart what the Founding Fathers stitched together under the leadership of George Washington in 1786-1789 and you will never recover. You need to read "The Return of George Washington" which is an historical account of the first constitutional convention in Philadelphia. Put in today's context... keeping in mind that when this convention was conducted there were no political parties, 24 hour news cycle (in fact the entire process was held as a closely guarded secret / not a single leak) The big states / small states was the issues. National security and the governments right to conduct trade, and collect tariffs while running a postal system. There were no 2D Amendment concerns, immagration, welfare, gender or racial biases, Face Book, Twitter and Snap Chat. READ how it all happened. The compromises that were made to create the most enduring government charter ever created by man....READ IT before you recommend that we should start to tinker --- READ IT!
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
7 y
I have sir! Multiple times. Educated myself on both sides of the conflicts happening before, during and shortly after the Constitution was ratified. Article V gave us, the people, the power to add amendments via our state governments. Limit Congress to 2 terms, get the business money out of politics, have a balanced budget. Those 3 actions would drain the swamp pretty darn quick.
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
7 y
SSG I fully understand your issues and I'm in sync with you. This can all be accomplished through the ballot box. If it can't then there is no way it would ever be accomplished at a convention of states. Seriously, if you want to see what would be faced read "The Return of Washington",(it's a real eye opener) put it into today's context and then calculate the odds of getting anything done. Please be careful what you wish for... that's all I counsel.
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