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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Put criminals back on the street and make more Laken Rileys
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
It's that simple.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 mo
Looks like the plan . . .
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LTC David Brown
It really is terrible. Harris is a fraud
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SGT Mary G.
The best of bad choices? Nope. Not for me. I won't choose either.
Clearly there is something deeper that is causing the problem of unacceptable choices from both parties. From where I stand it looks like corruption that has nearly become too pervasive to eradicate . . .
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - We can't always get what we want, but at least we can head in that direction.
MSG Billy Brumfield
MSG Billy Brumfield
2 mo
When you have an extremely biased militant main stream media demonizing one side while protecting the other, you have the sh!t that floats left over.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 mo
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - "I find it extremely hard that out of the 22.5 million people that meet these minimum requirements we can't come up with anything better than what we have to choose from." Exactly, I have often said something very similar. The only possible cause I can imagine is that the party system from the bottom up and top down is corrupt . . . at least not functioning properly.
Both parties could have offered up a slate of potential candidates who did not turn tail and run because they were afraid to oppose Trump's and Biden's rematch plans. The D party still can but does not seem to be going in that direction, and the R party may need to at the last minute . . .
You and your grandfather give good advice. And I agree and have always dutifully done the "lesser of the evils" vote when necessary.
However, this time I will cross that bridge when I come to it, because I have not totally lost hope that the outcomes being projected are carved in stone.
I won't vote for either. And I know people think voting for an Independent who has qualifies to be on the ballot (I don't know if any have!) is a wasted vote. However, I have to live with myself and my conscience, and I can not in good conscience take on the guilt of my vote contributing to putting either Trump or Harris into office.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
2 mo
SFC (Join to see) - It is bad enough voting for a choice when not wanting to vote for either, in normal times. However when it is a matter of voting for the least corrupt candidate (not only considered to be so by the "other" side) then it is a different story. I will vote, as I always do, but I may not vote for a presidential candidate if I am unwilling to vote for any Independent who may qualify.<sigh:> Hoping we all live healthy long enough to see a change for the better . . . . instead of the worse.
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