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Responses: 5
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
It is unfortunate that we do not have tags for a variety of things.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Still waiting for my coffee tag but seriously, I have a long list of missing tags and then there are the ones that are removed by admin...
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SGT Edward Wilcox
Wow! What a hypocritical piece of trash this article is. If Mr. Weaver is guilty of what he has been accused of, then the leaders of the Lincoln Project did the right thing by dis-avowing him, and distancing themselves from him. Mr. Weaver's activities, away from his time on the Lincoln Project, should not distract from the work the Project did in ridding us of Trump. And while this article spends a great deal of time and partisan effort in pointing out that M. Weaver abused children, they conveniently ignore the many accusations of the same thing against Trump. Apparently it's ok to groom and rape young girls, just not young boys.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) - You seem to have forgotten Trumps association with Jeffrey Epstein. You also are ignoring the charges of rape brought by several women who were under 16 when it happened.

My 'blind hatred' for Trump is no different than your blind hatred for Biden, or any other progressive.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
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(most) Everyone on the Hill was associated with Epstein. Clintons being at the top of the publicized list. Until that whole thing is unraveled and brought to the light it is a moot issue. Do you actually believe it will get unraveled and take down the UK Monarchy, 1/2 of the sitting Congress (both sides and both chambers), and several former and current POTUS'? I pray for that day and I will gladly cheer for everyone put behind bars!

Blind hatred for Biden? No hate here. His record talks for itself. He would never get my vote for any office - and this was the 1st time (or in a way the 3rd time) I got to vote for him - or not vote for him - as I never lived in his state when he ran for those other offices. Granted, he was on the ticket with BO but the vote was mainly for BO and not who he dragged along...
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) - I just find it interesting that you are so dismissive about the many allegations of child rape and abuse against Trump because one of his facilitators knew other people, but you hammer a group based on the few allegation of one person who acted on his own. You should know that most of the allegations against trump don't even involve Epstein, and none of the same allegations were made against Clinton.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
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I'm glad I can be interesting to you. I'm done with the whataboutism. Because heavens knows - everything is Trump's fault. You obsessed on Trump. He was not mentioned in the article except as an adverb. Yet Trump is your focus. You have the grace to say "If Mr. Weaver is guilty of what he has been accused of" but turn around and unequivocally state Trump is guilty.
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