Posted on Jun 25, 2016
The Incredible Story Behind the Iwo Jima Photo Discovery
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
I remember seeing photos of Doc Bradley, Ira Hayes and Rene Gagnon in the newspapers Doc Bradley was on crutches and never wore his ribbons. So it was not until after he was gone did his son find out about his Navy Cross. As for Pfc Schultz he was just a guy who wanted to leave WWII behind him forever. A lot of guys were like that including one of my uncles who was in the Navy for 3 1/2 years No one even his son knows anything about his time overseas. He came home and was hospitalized for a year with emotional issues and ending up marrying the nurse who took care of him. Back then nobody knew anything about PTSD and used terms like "Shell Shock" or "Seen too much combat"..
Schultz was only 17 when he enlisted so after Iwo he probably didn't want anyone talking about it with him and just wanted to leave it forever. He was also badly wounded too
Schultz was only 17 when he enlisted so after Iwo he probably didn't want anyone talking about it with him and just wanted to leave it forever. He was also badly wounded too
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
Thanks for adding this story Sgt Tom Cunnally - And I agree, no one really knew how bad off so many of these guys were. Like you said "Shell Shock" was all anyone would say. Have a great weekend.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
SP5 Mark Kuzinski - Ok thanx
the Flag Raiser who was identified as Doc Bradley & not Pfc Schultz is wearing a cartridge belt. Navy Corpsman didn't wear cartridge belts because they didn't have a weapon Instead they wore a heavy web belt used to carry their medical bags. And Schultz was probably aware of that.
the Flag Raiser who was identified as Doc Bradley & not Pfc Schultz is wearing a cartridge belt. Navy Corpsman didn't wear cartridge belts because they didn't have a weapon Instead they wore a heavy web belt used to carry their medical bags. And Schultz was probably aware of that.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
Why, why did it take so long!!! Thanks for all you comments and additions Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
SP5 Mark Kuzinski - Not sure?????
My guess is that Doc Bradley was such a credible and humble man that nobody doubted him. I missed the cartridge belt and have a small replica of the Iwo Flag Raising in my home office and often just stare at it and think about what those guys went through
My guess is that Doc Bradley was such a credible and humble man that nobody doubted him. I missed the cartridge belt and have a small replica of the Iwo Flag Raising in my home office and often just stare at it and think about what those guys went through
I think that Doc Bradley never intentionally tried to lead people into believing he was in the photo. As it was pointed out in the original post there was lots of confusion about who was in what photo and the chances are that several men had a hand in securing the flags, putting them up and making them steady. He was told he was in the picture and ordered to go on the war bond tour. He may have honestly not clearly remembered what he did during the detailed or figured he had just better get with the program.
In reality at the time the flag raising was nothing more than a colors detail, something Marines did all the time throughout the Corps. The picture is what made that one unique.
As for Doc Bradley not wanting further publicity, and Shultz evading the limelight completely I can surmise that if someone had a picture taken in the middle of 6 of the most traumatic weeks of your life you wouldnt want it constantly waved in your face either.
In reality at the time the flag raising was nothing more than a colors detail, something Marines did all the time throughout the Corps. The picture is what made that one unique.
As for Doc Bradley not wanting further publicity, and Shultz evading the limelight completely I can surmise that if someone had a picture taken in the middle of 6 of the most traumatic weeks of your life you wouldnt want it constantly waved in your face either.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
SP5 Mark Kuzinski - People may not know but there was a 1st Flag Raising on Iwo by Sgt Thomas, Sgt Hansen, Cpl Lindberg, Pfc Michels, Pfc Charlo..& Lt Schier. Only Lindberg, Michels and Schier survived And Hansen, Thomas, and Charlo were killed later in the battle for Iwo .. In the second Sousely, Strank, and Block were killed a few days later. But Hayes, Bradley , and Gagnon survived & Hayes tried to remain anonymous but his name was given to Rosenthal by Gagnon. So this might account for the confusion with the names of the two flag raisings on Iwo. Schier was the senior Lt & probably wrote his after action report a few days after both flag raisings & mistakes were common in this battle because of the high number of casualties on Iwo Jima
Sometimes it takes an outside group of people to question things. I am looking forward to watching the documentary.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
CSM (Join to see) - Amazing is all I can say and like you I look forward to the documentary.
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