Posted on Jan 19, 2018
The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
I found this funny to watch, since the current republican party is so racist and white superior supporters.
Can someone ask PragerU to do a study on whether the post Civil Rights GOP was still modeled after the pre-Civil War GOP platform? Note that 21 Democrat and 6 GOP senators & 84 Dems and 34 GOP House members opposed the 1964 bill that actually became law. It isn't solely party line but geography and ties to businesses that played a role in how they voted. Many Dems from now labeled purple and blue states voted yay. One of the reasons given for GOP nay votes was the impact on businesses this law would have; thus, rights of businesses over individuals. As usual, I can always trust PragerU to shape the discussion in their view as opposed to looking at all factors that influenced changes in both parties between 1864 and 1964 (100 years between key events...the irony) and 1964-present.
H.R. 7152. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. ADOPTION OF A ... -- House Vote #182 -- Jul 2, 1964
House Vote #182 in 1964, in the United States Congress.
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