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Responses: 8
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SPC Gary C.
There are places where you could hide alot of stuff out there.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
You got that right!
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Not managing their accountable weapons very well are they?
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
Some poor officer and/or NCO will burn regardless.
When my oldest son was in the USAR, they went to a four day weapons qualification. They major in charge didn't want to have to count unused ammo. He (literally) ordered my son, a SSG, to have the ammo all fired within the short time they had left. He tried to tell the Major it'd burn up the barrels, and cautioned him about the appropriateness of the order. He was told to shut-up, and follow the order. My son got another NCO and asked the Major to repeat his order and he actually DID in a not so friendly way.
Yep ... burned up 3 barrels and it hit the fan. So, while stuff can "roll downhill," smart leaders can avoid the fallout - that Major didn't.
SPC Gary C.
SPC Gary C.
>1 y
SSG Bill McCoy - One time when I was stationed at Ft. Stewart it was getting close to the start of the fiscal year and there was a large amount of ammo left over. My company went out to one of the swamps and had a 3-4 hour "Mad minute". IDK how many rounds we fired off, but if you got tired of firing your 16 there was someone that was tired of shooting a 60 or .50 and you could trade off.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
SPC Gary C. - I always loved firing the M-60 and Ma Deuce! Could never get enough of either!
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SPC Jon O.
Good luck finding find that weapon.
SPC Gary C.
SPC Gary C.
>1 y
SPC Jon O. If it's not hidden on post, it's down in Mexico, or with some gang in SoCal.
SPC Jon O.
SPC Jon O.
>1 y
SFC Jason Werstak that's always a possibility for sure...
SPC Jon O.
SPC Jon O.
>1 y
SFC Jason Werstak I live just down the road from Ft. Bragg.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
As long as he doesn't try to sell it, or trade it, and keeps it to himself the fact that he has it, yup.
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