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Responses: 3
SGT Cort Landry
It may be fake but is the quote not spot on?
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
Inane babbling insultingly and dishonestly attributed not a quote. just a really dumb way of lying.
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
6 y
Yes is it SGT Cort Landry, but good luck getting them to admit to it...
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
Large companies using the term hate speech to limit freedom of speech is very much Nazism. It is a back door way to control the narrative most low information voters will follow. It is a brilliant way to hijack an election. I bet Old Knob himself gave the idea to some sold out Billionaire.
Abbott is a good governor. He will probably research any quotes he uses in the future.
1stSgt, this is small potatoes. Don't you think, even if you do not like the websites terminated on Facebook, Twitter and others, they were not calling for murder. They have a different view on issues. Should the left only be allowed to voice their open borders and global government insanity?
Have a good day 1stSgt.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
Large companies requiring peole.as who are using their services follow their terms of service is Nazism
Aren't eh folks running Rally Point Nazism because they enforce their rules on what language is acceptable. Facebook and the other companies are private protect and you must agree to follow their rules before you can post. Enforce cont r acts freely entered into is not Nazism. They were harrange crime victims, and postin bigoted hateful led lies. Those companies used their freedom of association to to do business with that vermin anymore.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
Abbott proved himself to be a fool with Jade Helm. He proved that point again today..
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LT Brad McInnis
Do you have a problem that he attributed it to the wrong person, or the fact that the quote is right?
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
6 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Nelson, we can go round and round, you deflecting all you want. I will save the time, and tell you look up fascism. Look at Antifa, compare them to Nazis, and you should, even with minimal effort, see that they are using the same tactics. Unless you are so blinded by politics, hate and whatever to see clearly, then you have bigger issues.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
ANTIFA looks a lot like those that fought the facials in Spain. They are using the same tatics. If those tactics had been used in.1928 Germany against the same kind of peole.as ANTIGA fights now Millions of lives would have been saved. The KKK and the Neo-Nazis and the Neo-Confederates have been using tactics like that for yeas ,they did so in Charlottesville a year ago But you only complain against those fighting them. Why is that?
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
6 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Take your rose colored glasses off. The tactics that AntiFa are using look exactly like Kristallnacht. For crying out loud they called a black woman last night a white supremacist. They are all stupid and have no idea what they are even fighting for, why it is dangerous, just being led around because they are lemmings. You may also want to look up the 1st Amendment and the rights it provides... you may not like what they are assembling about, but they have a RIGHT UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. To deny them is against the Constitution that all of us swore to support and defend. BTW, I don't like their message either, but I will fight for their right to assemble. What they are doing is the same as the Democrats denying blacks the right to assemble and protest in the Civil Rights movement.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
That I'd put Bs from either magnicent ignorance or some pretty vile dishoneedty. Krystalnact was the start of the kIllingame that's a significant art of trumps bases seems to desire. If you want Nazi like behavior try the rec we nt poll where nearly half of trumps supporters think he should be able to shut down what he calls fake news.
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