Posted on Oct 31, 2023
Texas gets major win in battle to secure border despite Biden admin's attempts to stop it
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
cut the razor wire to assist 350 illegals to violate the law plus an outright destruction n of property. If the Federal Government officials had been doing their job and carried out the sworn duties instead of ignoring the law no one would have had to resort to cutting the razor wire. No one would even be at risk with the wire if they weren't where they had no right to be in the first place.
This is all so much B.S. IMHO! If the Biden administration followed the Laws on the Books we would NOT have the Border problems we are experiencing... In essence, the Biden Administration is working Counter to Our Constitution and is supporting Criminal Border crossings! It's the American CItizenry who suffer each day that these illegal Border entries to our Country occur... We ultimately pay them to cross, provide their transportation, pay for their food, lodging, clothing, driver's licenses, and Non-Citizen voting, which is coming if it isn't all ready a fact... Our Country is hemorrhaging from the inside out as I read or see the News being broadcast all over the world!!! Very Sad for our Country in my view...
Ladies and Gentlemen your attention please: In the center ring the law defying Joe Biden … a daily reminder that you get the government you voted for!
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
CPL Douglas Chrysler Nor would I and over 80 million people wouldn't either.........and, somehow, he won?
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
CPL Douglas Chrysler Indeed it is and now that we have been subjected to his many atrocities it is understandable why it did..
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