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Responses: 5
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
I know from having been part of an exchange program with the CAF, Chinese Air Force in Taiwan that Taiwan even then in 1972 was preparing for War with Mainland Communist China. There were defensive positions all along their coast to ward of Chines Communist attack, building up and combat training their Military with the mainland as the threat to worry about. The Republic of China, (that was Taiwan) was a Democracy and very pro Western. The Mainland, People's Republic of China was a Communist state that had already taken over the mainland by force. Thank's to the poor example by President Jimmy Carter the Democracy was betrayed in favor of the Communist Mainland because that what they Communist wanted. The United Nations and most other countries followed that example also Taiwan could no longer be called "The Republic of China" which is exactly what the Chinese Communist on the mainland wanted and thanks to President Carter got ! No longer was the Chinese Embassy in Taiwan recognized but became a trade mission only and for the first time Communist China had an embassy that the United States recognized. Little did the Republic of China, Taiwan know they were going to be sold out by the United States which up until then had supported them and their Democracy NOT the Communist. When I got MY Visa to the Republic of China (Taiwan ) it got it at the Chinese Embassy in Honolulu, HI and our Diplomatic relations with China were with Taiwan, NOT the Mainland. The US Air Attache a full Colonel in the US Air Force (Who was born in Mainland China) the United States Embassy in Taiwan who I had met at the Embassy in Taipei, Taiwan was so upset about what they did to Taiwan He killed Himself. Taiwan NEVER did anything to deserve being sold out like this.

Note: This wouldn't not be the last time a Allie had been sold out and run away from in favor of the Communist, it instead became a pattern and our word as a nation wasn't very good, the US had lost its trust with other nations . until it was restored by President Ronald Reagan Who actually stood by our friends (the other nations) and stood up to the Communist. That is also when the Berlin wall came down while He was President. After the US running out on both the Nationalist China and then Vietnam despite promises to the contrary The support that returned is gone again and once again in favor of the Communist. In ALL of those cases it was done by the Democratic party President or in ht Case of Nixon and President Ford the Congress. This certainly was contrary also to the staunch Anti Communist activity of President John F. Kennedy. It seems there is a pattern here that should NOT exist but it does. The mistakes of History are being repeated again ! It seems that some factions within the United States have NEVER learned that lesson and what many of us fought against to actually preserve freedom for ourselves and our allies and NOT sell both of them out.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
I see reporting on this in the main stream media… so it has to be bad.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
Escalation of force is warranted.
Strike first? Hard?
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