Posted on Jan 22, 2019
Supreme Court allows transgender military ban to go into effect
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 16
It is not about Transgender, gay or gender pronouns. It is about 3% of the population pushing reprobate behavior and language on the majority.
What's next? Toxic Masculinity?
Just so everyone is clear, all Americans are protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. All of us have a right to breath, live and write what we wish.
The military does not have time for social experimentation.
What's next? Toxic Masculinity?
Just so everyone is clear, all Americans are protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. All of us have a right to breath, live and write what we wish.
The military does not have time for social experimentation.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
MAJ Bryan Zeski -;_ylu=X3oDMTByNXM5bzY5BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE= [login to see] /RO=10/
We got rid of that one MAJ.
"people and others who seek to live beyond the confines of gender binaries." What insanity. That's two examples of pushing a narrative. A narrative to the extreme.
Thank you for asking.
Do you think the military has time for social experimentation? Or, does the military need to get ready to win wars?
We got rid of that one MAJ.
"people and others who seek to live beyond the confines of gender binaries." What insanity. That's two examples of pushing a narrative. A narrative to the extreme.
Thank you for asking.
Do you think the military has time for social experimentation? Or, does the military need to get ready to win wars?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
SPC Mark Huddleston - In the New Age Sir, there is no truth. Just whatever feels good. I stand aganist the New Age.
Please know I believe every American has equal rights under the law. That way, there is no one special.
Thank you for your vote up SPC.
Please know I believe every American has equal rights under the law. That way, there is no one special.
Thank you for your vote up SPC.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
SPC Martin Wiesiolek - Women have always been in our military one way, or another. African Americans are part of a race that was in bondage. A lot of Americans died trying to bring freedom to them and it took a lot longer to get them equal rights under the law. They can not change their skin color.
Humans can justify anything. Transgender people have a 41% suicide rate. They could be any race and their sexual leanings may change over time.Transgender men and women will have to use bathrooms of their born sex. There are other issues with individuals who view themselvs as transgender. I wish them well. But my point is this is a mental issue/issues. Not a race, XX, or XY issue. Which you wrote.
Humans can justify anything. Transgender people have a 41% suicide rate. They could be any race and their sexual leanings may change over time.Transgender men and women will have to use bathrooms of their born sex. There are other issues with individuals who view themselvs as transgender. I wish them well. But my point is this is a mental issue/issues. Not a race, XX, or XY issue. Which you wrote.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
"Not long ago gay and lesbian Americans were considered a terminal threat to the readiness and cohesion. The world as we know was ending."
I'm not sure why your drama is showing. But I posted some of the reasons I read the military choose to ban them. If you disagree with my posts, that is your right as an American.
I think the military is correct in the ban. Is my freedom of thought and speech your issue? Do you wish to limit my speech? Perhaps, you would like to call it hate speech as I do not agree with your views.
I'm not sure why your drama is showing. But I posted some of the reasons I read the military choose to ban them. If you disagree with my posts, that is your right as an American.
I think the military is correct in the ban. Is my freedom of thought and speech your issue? Do you wish to limit my speech? Perhaps, you would like to call it hate speech as I do not agree with your views.
There are scores of things that might keep you from serving in the armed forces. This is only one of them. Let's not act like somehow people that are confused about their sex are being singled out. That doesn't mean you cannot live our life as you wish.
Serving in the armed forces is not a right. People are rejected everyday for a host of reasons. Some physical, some mental, some behavioral etc.
Serving in the armed forces is not a right. People are rejected everyday for a host of reasons. Some physical, some mental, some behavioral etc.

Medical Conditions That Can Keep You From Joining the Military
These standards generally apply to all branches of the military. None of them are automatic disqualifiers, just red flags.
SPC David S.
I think you may have a point however according to the APA - gender nonconformity is not a mental disorder unless there is a clinically significant distress associated with the condition. However I feel many would experience some level of distress in dealing with this especially in the military. As well just looking at this as an abnormality - the simple fact that this is rare suggest that there may be something biological. Intersex conditions result in babies being born with the genitalia of both sexes due to chromosomal abnormalities as such same or similar abnormalities may lead to gender dysphoria. As such this could very well be something biological that develops into a mental health issue.
Gender dysphoria usually means a difficulty in identifying with the biological sex in an individual. The causes of gender dysphoria are not fully clear.
Every time I hear someone bring up the " the military isnt for social experiments" rationale, I remember how that was exactly the rationale that the senior leadership of the military used to try and stop the President from integrating blacks into all white units. Fortunately we had a president back then who saw through that BS and forced the military to integrate.
LCDR (Join to see)
It remains that the military is not for social experiments. In this case, Truman righted a clear wrong - not an experiment at all. In the case of transgendered service members, it's not the same at all.
SPC David S.
Argument is flawed as this is a matter of sex not race - military has yet to integrate women fully into combats arms so with that as the precedence race is not a problem however sex is as such any abnormalities that blur the question of the assigned sex must be thrown out in order to maintain policies of assignment based on assigned sex.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
I don't think making the transgender ban the modern version of racial segregation is a fair comparison. The basis for banning a transgender individual is medical: transgender individuals require extensive medical treatment that can easily render them non-deployable for lengthy periods of time. There is also the problem of transgender individuals having a much higher suicide rate then the general population.
In contrast, one's race isn't a medical condition that prevents you from being deployed. Being black, white, or any other race doesn't lower unit readiness. The military has always disqualified individuals from serving if they have certain medical conditions. People who have conditions such as diabetes or asthma, or are obese are not allowed to join the military. At the end of the day, serving in the military is a privilege, not a right.
In contrast, one's race isn't a medical condition that prevents you from being deployed. Being black, white, or any other race doesn't lower unit readiness. The military has always disqualified individuals from serving if they have certain medical conditions. People who have conditions such as diabetes or asthma, or are obese are not allowed to join the military. At the end of the day, serving in the military is a privilege, not a right.
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