Posted on Jun 22, 2017
Stevie Wonder: Can't Say, 'Black Lives Matter' When Blacks Are Killing Blacks
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Maybe because we're addressing the issue in our neighborhoods through community meetings, local leader meetings with city and police officials, and other venues amongst each other and we don't need to protest ourselves. Not sure some of you who enjoy reading Breitbart even understand the point of demonstrations. If we could put an end to unnecessary excessive use of force by law enforcement by depending on the court system and by having our voices heard at city and district council meetings, then we wouldn't feel ignored and have to raise our voices outside our neighborhoods through demonstrations. But I get it. Ignorance is bliss.
SSG Ronald Bloodworth
I stand corrected, Major.
Somehow, in the midst of all the calls for violence and the intermittent smoke of occasional riots, correction, "peaceful protests", I must have overlooked the overwhelming successes that have resulted in those efforts.
People like me? Wait, let me guess... Nevermind...
Tell me something if you know the answer. Exactly how many "more" minorities were shot and killed by police over the past year than whites?
I guess it never occurs to some that, while our justice system isn't perfect; no such system exists; there are a hell of a lot more inmates in our prisons who "did it" than there are who didn't. Regarding BLM, as Dr as I am concerned they are nothing more than a band of racist thugs. Their racist rhetoric and screaming calls for violence and the killing of police attests to that. I don't need anyone to spell that out for me. It's quite obvious. One thing I do rationally comprehend is that allowing lapdog media outlets, race baiters, and poverty pimps with a twisted agenda to throw fuel onto an already tense situation, and use every incident that comes down the pike to transport untold numbers of violent agitators to foment and initiate riots and mayhem damn sure isn't a productive solution to anything. Is waiting until all facts in any case are examined before a determination of wrong doing is made such an unacceptable concept? The simple fact is that bad things happen to good people every day. It's a tragic fact of life. It's not the tragedies that make a person who they are, but rather the manner in which they recover and overcome tragedies that make a person.
Taking to the streets, preying upon innocents, calling for and creating even more violence and mayhem, and then targeting others as the cause of it all as they have done only exacerbates an already existing problem.
Unless and until people, of ALL races start taking a long hard look into the closest mirror and begin to take responsibility for their own actions and holding themselves to the same standards to which they hold others, no positive change is possible.
If anyone out there expects me to treat them as anything other than what they present themselves to be in my presence, regardless of theology, ethnicity, or the pigmentation of their skin, they are mistaken.
If that, Major, is crap, then so be it.
Just my opinion....
Somehow, in the midst of all the calls for violence and the intermittent smoke of occasional riots, correction, "peaceful protests", I must have overlooked the overwhelming successes that have resulted in those efforts.
People like me? Wait, let me guess... Nevermind...
Tell me something if you know the answer. Exactly how many "more" minorities were shot and killed by police over the past year than whites?
I guess it never occurs to some that, while our justice system isn't perfect; no such system exists; there are a hell of a lot more inmates in our prisons who "did it" than there are who didn't. Regarding BLM, as Dr as I am concerned they are nothing more than a band of racist thugs. Their racist rhetoric and screaming calls for violence and the killing of police attests to that. I don't need anyone to spell that out for me. It's quite obvious. One thing I do rationally comprehend is that allowing lapdog media outlets, race baiters, and poverty pimps with a twisted agenda to throw fuel onto an already tense situation, and use every incident that comes down the pike to transport untold numbers of violent agitators to foment and initiate riots and mayhem damn sure isn't a productive solution to anything. Is waiting until all facts in any case are examined before a determination of wrong doing is made such an unacceptable concept? The simple fact is that bad things happen to good people every day. It's a tragic fact of life. It's not the tragedies that make a person who they are, but rather the manner in which they recover and overcome tragedies that make a person.
Taking to the streets, preying upon innocents, calling for and creating even more violence and mayhem, and then targeting others as the cause of it all as they have done only exacerbates an already existing problem.
Unless and until people, of ALL races start taking a long hard look into the closest mirror and begin to take responsibility for their own actions and holding themselves to the same standards to which they hold others, no positive change is possible.
If anyone out there expects me to treat them as anything other than what they present themselves to be in my presence, regardless of theology, ethnicity, or the pigmentation of their skin, they are mistaken.
If that, Major, is crap, then so be it.
Just my opinion....
MAJ James Woods
SSG Ronald Bloodworth - As much as you want to imply the "people like me" as referring to you being not Black; nice try, it's in reference to ignorant rationale and condemnation of Black communities. Bad things happen to good people every day but when you look at why certain bad things happen there is a trend that you choose to deny. And your incarceration implication supports my argument of bias in justice system as there are many cases that show differences in sentencing between first time offenders where the disparity in sentencing is due to racial bias. Your misguided perception of BLM and Black communities and what we are doing to address Black on Black issues is crap.

White St. Louis cop shot black off-duty officer — then claimed it was a ‘friendly fire’ incident...
According to the St. LouisPost-Dispatch and local news outlet Fox2Now, a white St. Louis police officer shot a black off-duty officer from his own force after a car chase ended in a crash outside the off-duty officer’s home.
MAJ James Woods
CPL Robert Schmit - Get out of here with this "I didn't answer your question" crap as you argue people are "oppressed" because they allow themselves to be oppressed. That is BS that only comes from someone who clearly blames the victim for the crap that happens to them. You don't know about the Castro case? Well now you do but apparently you choose not to be interested in the case or any other examples like it since it challenges your premise. We're done here.
MAJ James Woods
CPL Robert Schmit - It's not possible to give someone an answer when they'll continue to say they see people of color living and doing just fine where they live so it has to be that way everywhere regardless people of color that lives in other places have different experiences that you don't witness. You don't blame victims yet when someone claims to be a victim of injustice or inequality you're response is they chose to be a victim. What kind of BS is that? An unarmed Black man shot by police didn't choose to be a victim. A Black man legally carrying and tells the police officer he's armed didn't choose to be a victim. A Black child with a toy gun playing in a park shot by police didn't choose to be a victim. A Black man driving his nice car on north side of Chicago arrested on suspicion of auto theft didn't choose to be a victim. Yeah the Black communities have issues with gangs, drugs, crime and the last thing we need to be concerned with is excessive use of force by law enforcement. BLM is speaking out against excessive use of force by law enforcement and biased sentencing of minorities compared to Whites convicted of similar crimes. Speaking up isn't us choosing to be a victim, it's raising concerns that impacts us all. There's a reason you don't see all Black militias walking the communities legally armed like we see predominantly all White militias doing just that. So yeah I too have no more time to waste on someone who exudes ignorance with his "if I don't personally see the injustice then there is no injustice" mentality. Don't worry, I won't be reading anymore of your responses. Buh bye!
Perhaps we should identify what lives do not matter.
As for me I can not think of any.
As for me I can not think of any.
(0) just stirred up a hornets nest. Logic goes out the window when it comes to prejudice.
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