Posted on Feb 1, 2016
Special Ops Commander Demands Pentagon Stop Exposing Operations
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 8
I agree that we are to keep the public informed...but not at the risk of current and ongoing operations with our special forces and their missions. There has to be a line drawn and secrets kept to keep operators and operations safe and provide for mission success. You can tell afterwards when everything is complete and even then give redacted info...but up to that point, shut the pie hole and let these silent warriors do their job without having to look over their shoulders towards home.
CPO Tim Dickey
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth, OPSEC, OPSEC, OPSEC. I hate reading about the work I did on the Drudge Report in big, bold, letters. I wish that ADM McCraven would have put his foot down, but I don't think it was his style.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
CPO Tim Dickey - You nailed it right on the head...OPSEC is what we have been taught from day one and yet, it seems the top brass is forgetting that. Americans need to know some things but not everything...especially when it puts peoples lives at risk. Thanks for the post.
In the true sense of National Security, there are simply some event's and plans that should never be released to the general public. Let authors like Tom Clancy talk about past operations in their "fiction" books.
CPO Tim Dickey
Hopefully, there will be another Tom Clancy who tackles the 'fictional' scenarios of past operations, MSG Wally Carmichael!
GEN Joe Votel is an old friend and classmate from USMA. I have the utmost confidence in his abilities and his judgement CPO Tim Dickey. I saw this news last week and it was discussed off-line. I concur with his comments in full.
CPO Tim Dickey
I had the privilege of serving under GEN Votel. I have say that I appreciate his bold stand on this subject.
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