Posted on Oct 10, 2017
Should all infantry squad leaders be staff sergeants?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
No Sir.
All infrantry squad leaders better understand fireteam movement, patrol, ambush, line of fire, calling HQ for preslected artillery points that you shift fire on, etc.... If infrantry companies have not been in the field for 3 months with rotations back to barracks for paperwork and other issues very 4, or 5 days the platoons will not be squared away and understand each other like a well oiled team. All that time in the field better include a butt load of live fire. BZO ect... Therefore, your Cpl's and Sgt's can be squad leaders if need be.
Once war has began and you are TO'ed 110%, then SSG's can be squad leaders and GySgt's can be platoon leaders. But, everyone on your team within the platoon and 12 man squad will know everyone's role.
Traning is very important and this is where high PFT's are needed. But, a man that can communicate with other men in a calm professional manner is just as important once your team is squard away.
All infrantry squad leaders better understand fireteam movement, patrol, ambush, line of fire, calling HQ for preslected artillery points that you shift fire on, etc.... If infrantry companies have not been in the field for 3 months with rotations back to barracks for paperwork and other issues very 4, or 5 days the platoons will not be squared away and understand each other like a well oiled team. All that time in the field better include a butt load of live fire. BZO ect... Therefore, your Cpl's and Sgt's can be squad leaders if need be.
Once war has began and you are TO'ed 110%, then SSG's can be squad leaders and GySgt's can be platoon leaders. But, everyone on your team within the platoon and 12 man squad will know everyone's role.
Traning is very important and this is where high PFT's are needed. But, a man that can communicate with other men in a calm professional manner is just as important once your team is squard away.
SSgt (Join to see)
Non-infantry can be organized the same/similar way. For instance, I was part of a Comm Platoon. Sgt or SSgt as Platoon Sgt, Cpls or Sgts as Squad Leaders, LCpl or Cpls as Fireteam Leaders. We still practiced fire and movement, but not anywhere close to what a grunt company would. As part of our particular mission, any one of us could be dropped into any unit in the field and we had to know how to get along and NOT be the link that broke the chain.
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
Do you think the military has been at 110% during the wars for the last 15+ years?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint - No Sir. I do not.
I suspect, I am not writing anything you are not already aware of. But, it is my understanding DaOne had removed a lot of highly motivated Flag officers in the military to place more left leaning moral reality types in positions of power while lowering the moral of the military with social experimentation.
For example: placing an individual that wants to have a sex change surgery in front of veterans healthcare. Which does not address the down time of such a person to be part of the solution in the field. If ever they could be.
We both know the military is to win wars and how we as individuals can help. Not, how can the military help you feel better. I am bothered by the lack of respect the Senior Enlisted and Flag officers have received with this type of thought process. It rots the command structure. Which is needed to win.
The above being stated, I do believe any infranty of the Army, or Marine Corp being deployed to the ME would have been at 110%. Plus, support.
With the two Marine Corp Generals around Trump for the last 10 months, it iis my bet all things in the military will have been squared away by now. Also, I bet the Marine Corp and Army Victor units are ready. It would be a mistake for any enemy of ours to underestimate the rest of America's military and our Allies moving forward.
This post of mine only covers the more physical issues. It does not address that which we do not see, or allowed to know about.
Once again, I feel sorry for the enemy. They have no real clue what they are f*****g with. Just like in 91.
I suspect, I am not writing anything you are not already aware of. But, it is my understanding DaOne had removed a lot of highly motivated Flag officers in the military to place more left leaning moral reality types in positions of power while lowering the moral of the military with social experimentation.
For example: placing an individual that wants to have a sex change surgery in front of veterans healthcare. Which does not address the down time of such a person to be part of the solution in the field. If ever they could be.
We both know the military is to win wars and how we as individuals can help. Not, how can the military help you feel better. I am bothered by the lack of respect the Senior Enlisted and Flag officers have received with this type of thought process. It rots the command structure. Which is needed to win.
The above being stated, I do believe any infranty of the Army, or Marine Corp being deployed to the ME would have been at 110%. Plus, support.
With the two Marine Corp Generals around Trump for the last 10 months, it iis my bet all things in the military will have been squared away by now. Also, I bet the Marine Corp and Army Victor units are ready. It would be a mistake for any enemy of ours to underestimate the rest of America's military and our Allies moving forward.
This post of mine only covers the more physical issues. It does not address that which we do not see, or allowed to know about.
Once again, I feel sorry for the enemy. They have no real clue what they are f*****g with. Just like in 91.
It sounds like they have forgotten the role of the fire team
leader. The business of combat leaders in combat is their Marines, not their equipment.
leader. The business of combat leaders in combat is their Marines, not their equipment.
Maj John Bell
MAJ (Join to see) - My point is that leaders at every level should be proficient with the "tools" of the trade, that doesn't mean they employ them. In my opinion, Sergeant Squad leaders and Corporal Fire Team leaders should be focused on the proficiency of their unit personnel. The fire team members should be focused on the equipment and how to use it to locate close with and destroy the enemy.
As a rifle platoon leader, I knew how to call for close air support and indirect fires, but I almost always relied on short-hand. It consisted of telling my Radio Operator, "I want Bombs or indirect fire THERE!" Every fire team had at least one man preferably four men that could call for close air, arty, or mortars. I was employing the unit, not a particular asset.
As a Marine Gunner CWO-3 Wolcott taught me. "The symphony conductor swings the baton, he does leave the platform to play the piccolo."
As a rifle platoon leader, I knew how to call for close air support and indirect fires, but I almost always relied on short-hand. It consisted of telling my Radio Operator, "I want Bombs or indirect fire THERE!" Every fire team had at least one man preferably four men that could call for close air, arty, or mortars. I was employing the unit, not a particular asset.
As a Marine Gunner CWO-3 Wolcott taught me. "The symphony conductor swings the baton, he does leave the platform to play the piccolo."
MAJ (Join to see)
Maj John Bell - Got that point, I just don't see the connection how increasing the grade from Team Leaders to PSG impacts the above in a negative way. Most of us Army folks are very surprised to learn that a platoon sergeant in the corps is only an E6, We've had platoon sergeants as E7's since 1929 (1940-1942 excluded). The differences are slight going from senior E4 to E5 but major when going from E6 to E7. The difference being a Platoon Sergeant with 7 years in service to someone closer to 14+ years. The depth and breadth of experience is vastly different especially as a mentor to 2LTs.
Maj John Bell
MAJ (Join to see) - Promotion rates are different today than when I was in. my first platoon sgt was a relatively new SSgt (E-6) and had just over 8 years in service, all of it in the FMF. My impression was that Marine infantry Lieutenants have much more contact with the Company Weapons Platoon Section Leaders (all SSGTs) Company Weapons Platoon Sgt (a GySgt), Company Gunnery Sgt, Company 1st Sgt, Battalion Sgt Major, and the Battalion Gunner a WO or CWO, than my counter parts in the Army had.
MAJ (Join to see)
Maj John Bell In the Army each 2LT (platoon leader) has their own E7. They each rate an E7. Not sure how you could have any more contact that that. I personally had four Platoon Sergeants with 14, 8, 16, and 12 years in service, blessed with two platoon leader roles.
SSG as Squad Leader and SGT as Fire team leader / Assistant Squad Leader. Correct me if I am wrong but I was under the impression that the MTOE for a Light Infantry (ABN). Light Infantry (AASLT), Light Infantry and Mechanized Infantry Company called for a SSG Squad Leader?
Sgt Wayne Wood
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint - adapt and overcome. what do you do after casualties with no replacements? adapt and overcome. Marines have a long proud tradition of making do with less.... and still accomplishing the mission. i remember 4 squad platoons.... but i also remember 3 squad platoons. i also remember one memorable time when we had a battalion formation that barely made two platoons.
but to answer your question, i'd stagger the teams, here is a "diamond formation"
using TWO fireteams. in echelon
1 1
1 2
2 2
but to answer your question, i'd stagger the teams, here is a "diamond formation"
using TWO fireteams. in echelon
1 1
1 2
2 2
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
Sgt Wayne Wood - The luxury of the USMC was a fire team on the other side of the 2s... that would be
3 3
3 3
Sgt Wayne Wood
yes... or put the ones as an inverted 'V' as a point element with flankers and shuffling 2 & 3 to take positions formerly occupied by 1's & 2's
nice to have been a grunt before being the wrath of God personified (with a radio and priority on the net)
nice to have been a grunt before being the wrath of God personified (with a radio and priority on the net)
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