Posted on Dec 22, 2020
Saagar Enjeti: Media Ignores How Biden Is Completely SCREWING Veterans
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 2
Starts out ok, but descends into a right wing hit piece. Don't believe, for a second, these people care at all about veterans. This was just an opportunity to stick it to Biden.

Getting the VA secretary nominee right for veterans
Why former Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin says Denis McDonough is the right choice to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Why would we expect the admistration to do anything about burn pit toxins? The previous administrations during and after the Vietnam war waited until a lot of vets had died before admiting that agent orange herbicide was caussing medical problems for vets that served in Nam. These politicans, many of which had never served just don't give a damn. Oh sure they give it lip service but all that they care about is getting reelected. Biden is a case in point
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