Posted on Jun 2, 2022
Russian Soldiers Are Eating Dogs In Ukraine: 'Today We Ate A Yorkie'
Edited >1 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 2
Sadly not surprising given all the other logistical issues they seem to have.
Mr. Kim our supply adashi in Korea made BBQ Kagogi ribs with a spiced sauce one day for us. I didn't know it was dog until I was seven ribs in, noticed Mr. Kim, Mr. Jung and the maintenance adashi's chuckling and pointing at me and asked what was so funny. They told me I was eating dog ribs, they were good so I grabbed another and started howling like a dog. They were laughing so hard Mr. Kim literally fell out of his chair.
Point is...... Dog's fine if properly prepared.
Point is...... Dog's fine if properly prepared.
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