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Responses: 2
SP5 Dennis Loberger
Edited >1 y ago
The best laid plans require a new plan when the enemy doesn't act as expected. Putin must come away with something to stay in office and he knows it. He was sufficiently vague to claim about anything as a success. He may end up without a land bridge to Crimea and still claim success
SMSgt Anil Heendeniya
SMSgt Anil Heendeniya
>1 y
The only way he'll leave office is via a coup. He corrupted Russia's voting system through years of machinations, and it's doubtful Russia's "election system" has any credibility. He'll get his votes; however, it may come to pass that there'll be enough anger on the part of Russian citizens and members inside the military that he'll be ousted via a coup and may possibly suffer a deserved fate at the hands of the military leadership.
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PO2 Marco Monsalve
I'm guessing that Putin is not going to walk away and even if they settle for (and can get) an Eastern Ukraine takeover in the short term, that will just become a staging area for future war. In the meantime, China is patiently watching to see how far Western response will go.
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