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Responses: 5
MAJ Ken Landgren
Trumpers are so uncouth, and that is just the tip of the pile of crap.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - Just what are Biden's values anyway? Let's destroy our economy because getting off of fossil fuels before we have something else to feel that void is just plane crazy. Have we developed an electric tractor yet to plant and tend our fields and would it be cost effective? Come on man! He’s driving the middle class into the working poor and the working poor out into the streets sooner rather then later.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
SPC Les Darbison - Three questions. Did Trump do a good job preparing for the pandemic? Did he try to steal the election? Did Trump fulfill his economic promises?
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
I believe he did his best for all of the citizens of our nation. Energy independence, a roaring economy, and a strong stock market. Real wage gains across the spectrum, especially for the middle class and the working poor. Now I answered your questions. So will you please list Biden's success for the working Man and women of our nation. It's not energy, and it's not inflation, it's not protecting our border, it's not projecting a robust national presence across the globe. Is it. How has he helped our Ppl? Was it destroying title 9 protection in girls' sports? Is it him pushing CRT training in our schools and our military? Why do you still back Biden?
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
Roaring economy is wrong. His average GDP growth 1% a year. He said the federal deficit would go down but it went up. When he left office he had a net job loss.

Doing his best in regard to the pandemic is absolutely wrong. He lied about the pandemic. I don’t see how you can construe that as doing his best. You obviously don’t know what National Disaster Planning entails.

I back Biden because Trump is unfit to be our president. I would rather have an incompetent president over a snake oil salesman like Trump. He attempted to destroy our democracy in order to be a dictator. What Biden has done pales with Trumps power play to steal the election.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Look, "eye patch McCain" is certainly uncouth. But it's also funny, in the right frame.

This was not the right frame. But also remember, Crenshaw is a vet. I would be willing to be that once he was behind closed doors he got a chuckle out of that with his staffers and said he would have to remember that one.... And then he responded in kind.

No, I do not agree with creating or hurling the phrase at Crenshaw. I think it lacks class. But, seriously? This is what we are going to outrage over? I guarantee Crenshaw has gotten worse insults from better people. I know I did throughout my career. If mocking the eye patch is enough to rattle this dude, then we have MUCH bigger problems.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
He didn’t apear to be rattled now did he?
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
I'm driving down a country road after dark. The car in front of me rolls into the ditch and catches fire. I stop and pull your 16 yr old daughter to safety. She's taken to the hospital in a coma. You call me a hero. The local paper calls me a hero. Your wife bakes me her famous coconut pineapple sponge cake. Two weeks later, I visit your daughter in the hospital. She's still in a coma. I molest her. Am I still a hero?
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
>1 y
Is our Comment about the revelation of Biden’s inappropriate relationship with his daughter?
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
>1 y
SPC Les Darbison Nah. When I pecked that out, Biden's alleged actions weren't commonly known. My point was that "hero" is usually a point in time. But one can lose that status by later actions. i.e., many regard McCain as a hero for his actions in the Hanoi Hilton. His positions regarding his first wife and as a Senator are not so highly regarded and detract from his stature. Jury is still out, but Crenshaw seems to be trying out McCain's "maverick" cape. As the saying goes, it only takes one alpha sierra to wipe out a hundred bravo zulus.
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