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Responses: 8
LTC David Brown
TOTAL INTELLECTUAL AND LOGICAL BANKRUPTCY ON THE LEFT. Oh poor Chelsea, but screw Yiannapoulos, Shapario, Coulter etc who are regularly hounded by the rabid left. Shapiro had to post a $600,000.00 bond because of fears of the radical left violence. Radical left routinely tries to shut down rallies by Trump and his supporters. Now all these lefties come out whining for Manning and free speech? Give me a break!
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel good read and share my friend!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
7 y
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL I am the Devil Incarnate according to the Documents that Chelsea Manning has Released but I will Be Damned if I Let Anyone Shut Her Up Intellectually. Those that Choose that Path I consider Whimps or Pawns. I am a Navy Spook, I will Take My Lumps if Necessary but to Cave to Unadulterated Fascist I will Neither Tolerate or Abide!
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SSG Diane R.
I have mixed feelings about Manning, but when her situation is taken in context we see a whole chain of failures, her chain of command failed, the Army security infrastructure failed, SIPR was compromised, Manning failed. I think Obama recognize that when he decided to Pardon her.

We can ask the question, would he have done this for a straight white male, or just a plain old female? It's an interesting question to pose but rather immaterial at this point. We do know from the evidence that Obama was very much into identity politics.

I can judge Manning more clearly on her post prison Behavior, the questionable people she hangs out with, her involvement with George soros-funded groups, her membership in antifa organizations that burn down whole cities and murder police officers. Some people consider her a heroine, but at best a deeply flawed one.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
7 y
Obama did not pardon him. He commuted his sentence. BIG difference.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
SN Greg Wright - Yes, thank you for the correction. She did not receive a pardon, her sentence was commuted.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
7 y
SSG Diane R. - "ANTIFA" "George Soros" I am Part (Small that it is) German Jew, I Hope to God that I am Always Anti-Fascist. Soros a "Jew" who Happens to Support Liberal "Left" Wing Causes, I Hope to God I always Support George Soros against Right Wing Smear Campaigns. Hard to Believe Once upon a time that I was a "Compassionate Conservative". No, when the "Right" Wing went Further Right than Me. They lost My Support.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - Chip, I'm of Austro-Hungarian Jewish descent (if that's important).

Soros and his NGO's are funding all sides of this conflict, 'Restance' or whatever. The 'Antifa' street mobs are designed to deflect attention while the Military Junta and deep state consolidate their power / control over all of us. As an old intelligence hand, you must at least suspect that to be the case.
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