Posted on Dec 17, 2017
Putin thanks Trump for tip that prevented terror attack: report
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
SSG(P) (Join to see) not a Putin fan, but you can work with someone without being in cahoots with them.
My question is this........why does Trump believe intelligence that would benefit Russia, but does not believe these same intelligence people when they provide him negative information about Russia? Does that make sense to anyone?
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Christopher Brose - would think they would have supported Hillary then. Wonder why they backed Trump? How do you explain that? Why would they care so much? How does it benefit them to have Trump in there instead of Hillary?
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Gary Andrews - What on earth is your basis for saying the Russians wanted Trump to be President? The fact that Rachel Maddow says it over and over and over and over and over? I think they would have preferred Hillary as President because they know she can be bought. You're assuming the Russians backed Trump, and then arguing from that position. I don't believe they wanted Trump, but I don't think they cared enough to get involved as much as you seem to think they got involved. At most, they wanted to provoke a little chaos -- and if that's the case, they got way more than they bargained for because liberals are so gullible. ("Useful idiots" is the term the Soviets used to describe liberals. Personally, I think the term still fits.)
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Christopher Brose - It wasn't Rachel Maddow that changed the GOP platform to be more Russian friendly.....and it wasn't Rachel Maddow that sent the email to Trump Jr setting up the meeting at Trump Tower to provide them dirt on Hillary. Come on man, pull your head out, get a little air, and quit denying the obvious. I do think you stumbled on the reason they wanted Trump in there though.......useful idiot.......and the term does in fact fit.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Gary Andrews - You're losing your bearings. You were talking about Russia wanting Trump to be President, then that narrative got lost somehow. The fact that Trump Jr. took a meeting with someone claiming to have information on Hillary does not equate in any way to Russia wanting Trump to be President or supposed collusion between the Russian government and Trump. It apparently is lost on you that the meeting produced absolutely nothing meaningful, either in terms of useful information or in terms of advancing a Trump/Russia relationship. And I find it amusing that you pick such nits with the Trump campaign being willing to get information about Hillary that was freely offered while simultaneously being completely oblivious about the Hillary campaign actually paying for information from Russians. Your moral high ground is a sink-hole.
This is the way international relations ought to work. The CIA ... and Trump administration ... deserves an attaboy for this.
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