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Responses: 4
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
the big problem with all of the hacking allegations on our election system is that they recounts proved that they votes weren't tampered with, so what we are talking about is exposing the true nature of HRC and the DNC and that exposure killing their election hopes. Sure Russia and Israel didnt want HRC, most of our allies fit in that camp and even a number of our enemies. The truth is that she wansnt well liked at home or abroad.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
8 y
Cpl Joshua Caldwell ;-) I have to ask, did you read the last sentence of my comment?
I would hope that you check on some of the other articles that I linked and commented on today. Thank you.
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
8 y
"There is actually more evidence for this to be true, than there is for the Russian Hacking allegations" That sentence? The one that says, that Israel acted, does not change my point that the votes were not altered, what actually happened was that the actions of HRC and the DNC were exposed to the public and that caused her to lose the election. The truth set America free.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
8 y
Cpl Joshua Caldwell - I did not say anything about the vote being altered.
Please also note that I did say Russian Hacking allegations.
I do not for one instance believe that the Russians or any other foreign actor had as much of a hand in what actually occurred; as much as the Democratic Party and the current or even possibly the incoming administration or government would like us to believe.
This is no different than the Democrats, the Republicans, AND the State Department claiming that politically appointed Ambassadorship is OK, is NOT OK, or it is a DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN.
Like Wired magazine published in an article about the Sony hack:
Attribution Is Difficult If Not Impossible
First off, we have to say that attribution in breaches is difficult. Assertions about who is behind any attack should be treated with a hefty dose of skepticism. Skilled hackers use proxy machines and false IP addresses to cover their tracks or plant false clues inside their malware to throw investigators off their trail. When hackers are identified and apprehended, it’s generally because they’ve made mistakes or because a cohort got arrested and turned informant.
Even better to support your view/opinion and mine by the way, let's take a look at the Election Assistance Commission reports and statements about the Election actually being hacked - I think that we can interpret their reports and statements only one way - IMPOSSIBLE.
Completely stopping Election Fraud - possible but not probable.
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CPT Jack Durish
No, it was the North Koreans
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
8 y
CPT Jack Durish, damn, I left them out. I forgot that they were the ones responsible for the Sony hack. I also tend to forget that the N.S.A. discredited that report by saying that the North Koreans were not capable of doing that. And then all the North Korean attributions were torn apart by a US Technology & Social magazine article.
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SPC Casey Ashfield
So we believe Iran news now? The new buzzword is beware of "fake news" and we are giving any sort of attention to Iranian media? These are the same people who say earthquakes are caused by Allah's hatred of the Great Satan and women shouldn't sit in the front seat of automobiles because they will develop ovarian cancer.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
8 y
Fake news? I guess that all of the "rumor" in all of the other media outlets and publications have it wrong to, and therefor it is fake.
I suppose that all of the information posted in Wikipedia on this subject is wrong or incorrect. Or how about the information directly from the AIPAC, or the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, or any of the many more that I could point to.
In addition, how do you think that we get some of the intelligence that we get and put together?
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