Responses: 3
It took two full Presidential election cycles plus a private walk with "Gorby" before the Left in this country finally got over it's hatred of Ronald Reagan and saw an American President acting in the best interest of the United States and it wasn't until the 4th Presidential election until they were able to get someone into the White House who promised reform of the Democratic Party to make it more palitable and more pro-Business..........then less than 12 years later that same Party was preaching Socialism again as the solution to our problems. So it didn't take the Democrat Party long to abandon reform and return back to the far left again..............then accuse the Republicans of a hard right turn instead of looking in the mirror at what just happened.
What a great ad and clip from Bill Whittle, CPT Jack Durish. Thank you for posting it. Yes, I've seen the same sort of misinterpretation myself. I can't wait for it to continue.
"Liberals are buying guns to arm themselves against an oppressive regime... welcome to the club." Well said.
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