Posted on Aug 20, 2021
Planes, guns, night-vision goggles: The Taliban's new U.S.-made war chest
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 22
It "bothers" all of us. And it will be used against the Afghanis who supported us, against the women who don't comply and finally, against us.
I was Assistant PM for Night Vision Devices from 1985-88. We fielded the 3rd Generation AN/PVS-7 NVG and the AN/AVS-6 Aviator NVG. Now the Capitulator in Chief has given the Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans and Russians access to NVG technology that will be reverse engineered and used against us. To say I am enraged and disgusted by this is an understatement
PO3 Justin Bowen
LTC Orlando Illi wasn't the drum beat from Trump and his supporters that current and former officers shouldn't voice their opinions about politics? You may have freedom of speech but it certainly isn't appropriate - according to Trump and his supporters - for you to speak negatively about Trump as a current or former commissioned officer. He may have, more than anyone else by far, set the stage for this, but that doesn't mean you should openly criticize him...
David I am not surprised, we as a nation have got to start realizing that some places, regardless how much training we give them, are never going to workout they way we wanted...
...I wrote erased and rewrote several times, I settled on the above, I have much stronger opinions but am going to keep them in check, now anyway.
...I wrote erased and rewrote several times, I settled on the above, I have much stronger opinions but am going to keep them in check, now anyway.
SGT (Join to see)
I agree Jeff. People are blaming Biden, but this is the result of 20 years of failed policies from Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden.
CH (MAJ) Thomas Conner
SGT (Join to see) I agree with the majority of what you wrote. I don't think Trump would have pulled out the way Bite-Me Biden did (or his puppet masters). This will be a stain on America's reputation and will come back to bite us in the rear--probably sooner rather than later!
MSG Thomas Currie
SGT (Join to see) - -- Agreed. The eventual collapse of our puppet regime in Kabul was inevitable.
The only parts that fall squarely on Senile Joe's sagging shoulders are
(1) abandoning Bagram airbase without any sort of coordination with either our allies or our puppet regime;
(2) the hasty withdrawal of forces with zero coordination with our allies;
(3) timing the abandonment in the middle of campaign season when we knew the Taliban were in the field in full strength; and
(4) lying to the American people pretending the intelligence community didn't know the ANA would collapse under those circumstances.
But yes, the fall of Kabul was just as certain as the fall of Saigon -- and for basically the same reasons: US politicians were never willing to allow decisive military action and the American media convinced the public the was was an "unwinnable" waste.
The only parts that fall squarely on Senile Joe's sagging shoulders are
(1) abandoning Bagram airbase without any sort of coordination with either our allies or our puppet regime;
(2) the hasty withdrawal of forces with zero coordination with our allies;
(3) timing the abandonment in the middle of campaign season when we knew the Taliban were in the field in full strength; and
(4) lying to the American people pretending the intelligence community didn't know the ANA would collapse under those circumstances.
But yes, the fall of Kabul was just as certain as the fall of Saigon -- and for basically the same reasons: US politicians were never willing to allow decisive military action and the American media convinced the public the was was an "unwinnable" waste.
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