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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
It's pretty obvious that the "green faction" is controlling Biden's moves regardless of what he says. He has no intention of getting out of the way of our oil and gas industry and letting them ramp up production
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Collectively I've never seen a bunch of people more dangerous than these Green New Deal/Climate Change people. When I was taking Climate Change classes and we got to the area of sustainability they said design and construct infrastructure (culverts and bridges) as large as possible for greater protection of large storms. When I pointed out when one practices these suggestions you are actually taking funding away from other worthy project because it's just not practical to build everything to the maximum. Their answer was: "Don't worry about funding, we will just raise taxes as we need to."

Their concept is to construct a totally safe world and no one can ever do that, so when the next larger storm comes up they will have to find scapegoats. They don't understand the engineering principles they are actually teaching.
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
It is kind of good when you know why someone was elected President, even when they're terrible. Carter really is a good man. Obama had the race card. It is still not evident why Obiden is there. It is not for America. Everybody in the field was better than him. Wassup?
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