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Responses: 6
CSM Charles Hayden
Edited 6 y ago
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Clinton’s play on words to avoid being truthful is a totally distasteful
moment in America’s history.

There were many women thrown under the Clinton “bus”. What a tragedy!.

Women should not forgive HRC’s complicity in Bill’s nefarious activities.
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited 6 y ago
I was always conflicted about this. The man wasn't a terrible President. We've had worse, far worse. And his "sin" wasn't unique. FDR and JFK were famous for cheating on their marital vows. Clinton simply got caught, which was inevitable with his proclivity for chasing skirts. His crime was perjury. Imagine that, a politician caught lying. Not mistaken. Not misspeaking. Flat out lying. However, he did it under oath (few politicians are caught at that one) and that is an impeachable offense. Was justice done? Hell no. The evidence was clear. His acquittal in the Senate was purely political, and ultimately he paid a high price. The civil suit that followed was prosecuted successfully. He was forced to make a public admission (which his supporters conveniently ignored or quickly forgot) and he lost his license to practice law (a minor inconvenience). Personally, I think he is still paying the highest price, still married to Hillary. No, his greatest crimes were to follow with his wife leading the family criminal enterprise, and once again, politics shield the Clintons...
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
5 y
LBJ as well.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
5 y
Then there is the former CIA director Petraeus leaking top secret info to his girlfriend.
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LTC Self Employed
Yet this guy guess honorariums and millions of dollars with Hillary Clinton everywhere he goes including Canada.

In this Saturday Night Live skit the comedian playing Bill Clinton said if they would have had smartphones back when I was present, I would be in jail!

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