Posted on Jun 26, 2021
One Word Bomb Blows Your Interview (and You Use It Every Day)
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I understand, but (partially) disagree. We should absolutely claim credit for group accomplishments but also be honest in our discussions of our role. There is nothing wrong with saying "My unit" delivered 38 million bottles of water to the starving orphans of the tidal wave that struck the war-torn city of Earthquakeville. We just clarify what our role in that was - and doing it humbly is a good thing.
"As a logistics expert, I was responsible for coordinating the schedule of my unit's supply runs, which delivered a total of 38 million....." We show what our specific role is, how we supported the overall goal, while also showing what the overall success was, all while acknowledging that while our role was important, it wasn't as important as what we helped the team accomplish.
Managers want a worker who works as part of a team, and supports the team effort. By showing both our role AND the team accomplishment, it shows the boss that A) we CAN work as part of a team, B) we are in it for TEAM success, not individual accolades, C) we understand our specific role, and D) our role is important to overall success.
"As a logistics expert, I was responsible for coordinating the schedule of my unit's supply runs, which delivered a total of 38 million....." We show what our specific role is, how we supported the overall goal, while also showing what the overall success was, all while acknowledging that while our role was important, it wasn't as important as what we helped the team accomplish.
Managers want a worker who works as part of a team, and supports the team effort. By showing both our role AND the team accomplishment, it shows the boss that A) we CAN work as part of a team, B) we are in it for TEAM success, not individual accolades, C) we understand our specific role, and D) our role is important to overall success.
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