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Responses: 2
Cpl Mark A. Morris
We are at war on so many levels with China and Russia, let the world know we want to try out our new stuff. Although, I bet we have had this for a long time.
A while back there was Navy footage of a small tic-tac UFO flying near an Aircraft carrier. Nothing flies around an Aircraft carrier without perrmission. So, it must have been ours. If not, blast it with this laser and make it ours.
That's an idea. Any UFO spotted that does not answer their comm, blast it with a laser. If I have to ask permission to fly, every little skinny necked flying illegal alien has to do so too.
Ken Kraetzer
Ken Kraetzer
>1 y
Be interesting to see how UFO responds. Perhaps not throwing first stone a good start.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
>1 y
Ken Kraetzer - Understood Sir. But they threw the stone first. 1000's of reports of kidnapping and probing. Time to screw them Sir.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
That is great. The primary focus is what we do now to prepare for future wars as it is a hit or miss proposition.
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