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Responses: 9
LTC Wayne Brandon
It is interesting to note that the phenomena of the missing sock has been a problem since the beginning of socks, but it became acute when electric dryers were invented causing the frequency of missing socks to reach epidemic proportions.
While there is no direct evidence pointing to the dryer, there most certainly is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence to support an indictment against that evil device; or is there something else to consider here?

Investigators have concluded there exists a vortex in another dimension accessible only by the dryer. There is speculation of collusion between the manufacturers of dryers and socks where profits brought about through the purchase of replacement socks are shared with the dryer manufacturers who also maintain the existence and secrecy of said vortex.
Should it one day be discovered it will yield up an untold quantity of socks and no way to identify their owners. This of course, produces another problem - what is to be done with countless orphan socks?
One thing is certain, it will become a political issue subject to hot debate and government shutdowns.

A great post to start the day laden with puns and other good humor.
Enjoy your day Sgt. Mac!
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
>1 y
Yes ! The Hozone layer ! Laffs ! Have a great day LTC Wayne Brandon
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
I always end up with odd number of socks when I was clothes !
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
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