Posted on Apr 9, 2016
Obama relents on Fast & Furious executive privilege, turns records over to Congress
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
SPC Andrew Griffin - Spec; Would you like to bet that the documents DO NOT implicate President GW Bush's administration as well as showing what went on during President Obama's administration?
What's the big deal honestly? Reagan had Iran/Contra which was just as bad. This is pure politics at work against Obama the same way it was against Reagan. It's a never ending cycle of who can go after who when it's convenient for them or their party.

WGBH American Experience . Reagan | PBS
General Article: The Iran-Contra Affair
MSG Jay Jackson
The difference is that Oliver North was prosecuted for his crimes. Fast and furious has only produced dead bodies here in the U.S. and in Mexico. No Obama staffer or BATF employee has faced punishment. So they share the point of both times the government stepped outside the law.
Cpl Mark McMiller
SSG Warren Swan - Yea, I know about the Iran-Contra scandal; I lived through it. And there was a Congressional investigation and people were prosecuted for it. But we're not talking about Iran-Contra here; we're talking about fast and furious, in which you don't think it's a big deal that the weapons used to murder hundreds of innocent civilians and two border patrol agents were illegally smuggled into Mexico and sold to drug cartels by BATFE agents apparently under the approval of AG Holder and the White House.
SSG Warren Swan
MSG Jay Jackson - Convicted huh? Not quite. Everything he was "convicted" of was dismissed. Same with the Admiral. So nothing was done. You talk about the weapons form Fast and Furious being used, but you don't acknowledge the law was clearly broken in Iran Contra. You have nothing that could be seen with definitive proof the weapons we illegally sold to Iran were not used on civilians. Should you believe they weren't you're naive. If you're going to argue that these people today should face punishment for this, the precedent was set 30 years ago when no one was convicted and their sentences upheld. It was also found that Reagan and Bush Sr, had bigger roles than they let on. Where are their convictions? Obama should not be held to any standard that isn't enforceable to everyone. For all the laws that were blown away in regards to Iran Contra, no one got to spend ONE day in Prison. But lets not let history be denied, so Reagan did it, Bush did it, but when Obama does it, all hell breaks loose? Come on.....
"A similar operation took place years before under the Bush administration. Called "Operation Wide Receiver," it also failed in tracking down gun and drug traffic, Bloomberg Businessweek reported" So where is the false outrage now?
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"A similar operation took place years before under the Bush administration. Called "Operation Wide Receiver," it also failed in tracking down gun and drug traffic, Bloomberg Businessweek reported" So where is the false outrage now?
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Barack Obama ATF Scandal: 8 Facts About Fast and Furious You Might Not Know
"Fast and Furious" started as a way to capture drug dealers in violent Mexican drug cartels. It ended as part of a scandal involving the Barack Obama presidency that had to be wrapped up following unnecessary deaths.
PO1 Ted Woitazek
Personally, I think all these scandals are big deals. There's more to Iran/Contra than what the public knows.
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