Posted on Jun 5, 2016
Obama had some strong words for a gun-store owner who confronted him at a town-hall event in...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
He also mentions that the gun industry has made more money off him as president than anyone else. This is something I've been saying for the longest. Now add to that I've asked a very simple question: Name ONE law, EO, bill, or anything else Obama has dome himself to take your rights/weapons away. There are none, hasn't been any, and he NEVER mentioned that he was intending to. Ir's worth noting he rook a BIG hit on social media when the "VA letter" popped up last year. Some of the biggest FB pages were ripping him a new one, until it came out he had nothing to do with it, and that law was made before Obama ever thought about running for any office.
SSG Warren Swan
Capt Gregory Prickett - those who are voting this cycle have a big decision to make. Who is the lesser of the two evils? Although special considerations would be made if he could actually do this, take Drake, Kanye, Susan Serandon, The empty chair Eastwood was talking to, and the Davis woman from KY.
SSgt (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan - We can't deport Bieber, we lost fair and square in that hockey match.
"Loser Keeps Bieber": Billboard bets on USA vs. Canada Olympic hockey game
A Illinois billboard jokes that the loser of the U.S.-Canada Olympic hockey matchup has to keep Justin Bieber
SSG Warren Swan
SSgt (Join to see) - DAMMIT MAN!!!!! Ohh well guess I'm not voting for Trump then. Thanks US mens hockey.....freakin hosers.
Maj (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan - I don't think any politician will come out against the 2nd amendment. They want the Supreme Court to do the dirty work for them. Look who voted against Heller decision and who nominated them. If you look at Supreme Court votes against the 2nd amendment, they are all votes against by one party's nomination. That's why the nominations are so important and who appoints them. I really understand the Senate consents, but it is hard not to consent. There's only been a few. Otherwise, there would be no new appointments from either side.
All Obama speeches sound the same. He gets a patsy to come down on. Probably a plant. Does not ask him about how all those gun laws in Chicago and DC are working. And why he was so concerned about a predominantly White school " Sandy Hook". But says nothing about the black children being killed daily in Chicago. And he did not ask him what he was going to do to take the guns from the gangs. He says this more weapons have been sold because of me. We need common ground. Those common sense gun laws that don't work. He creates a boogyman in ISIL. And his party is the one that wants a regressive tax on bullets and Hillary thinks gun manufactur should be liable if the guns are used in a shooting. He likes to use the term Un American and that's not who we are. Obama has stated that he doesn't like our Constitution . And I've seen it live. He complains there is nothing in it that says what he can do to Americans. I would like to see him debate Cruz on the subject.
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