Posted on Apr 16, 2020
Not a Greek Tragedy, But an American One Written By President Trump |
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
MSgt (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) - I can understand you better, if you move it to one side of your mouth. ROFLOL
The level of TDS in some folks is astounding, Trump could do the most amazing thing in the world and the TDS suffers would be pushing gloom and doom and second guessing his every move. Good thing he has 4 more years coming up to keep them spending money on tissues.
SSG (Join to see)
Your total devotion to all things Trump is probably blinding you from the glaring shit show right in front of you. Four more years huh? I can't imagine what the national debt will be if that happens.
1SG Dennis Hicks
SSG (Join to see) - Nah sorry you missed the real shit show under bumbling Barry and his side kick sleepy Joe the Pedo, The national debt will be what it is, Bumbling Barry was no friend to it with his freshit give away for 8 years. TDS is a pandemic of its own.
SSgt William Quinn
Because pointing out the left defended Barry, without deviation, on obvious failures versus the hypocritical criticism directed at Trump, because of fake news reports, aka lies? You cant have it both ways. Sorry you don't want and cant be held to account for your hypocrisy. If Trump would have waited till, over 1000 Americans died and over 20,000 were severely hospitalized, to do any thing, much less declare an emergency, I would criticize him, but he acted before one American died. That's being consistent, not a hypocrite.
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