Posted on Apr 17, 2021
New McLaughlin Poll: Strong 2A Support, Not So Much for Exec. Orders
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
The irony lies in the fact that those who are attempting to infringe on the 2nd Amendment believe that theirs is the majority view and they are acting under the authority of democratic rule. Of course, they fail to realize that our rights are natural (God-given if you will) and not subject to the whims of the majority.
SSG Paul Headlee
Its possible that a person would have to believe in God to fully understand or appreciate that.
The 2nd Amendment is absolute (despite what our ignorant President say), not so much Executive Actions. It’s amazing that our SCOTUS doesn’t step in more frequently.
If I can carry or use an m16 to defend my country, why can I poses an AR-15 to protect my family and property.
SSG Paul Headlee
You sure can! These d.b.s try to distort reality in order to make their position appear sensible.
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