Posted on Dec 29, 2020
New in 2021: Army personnel and promotion changes
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
One policy of interest to troops: soldiers deployed to combat zones or who are pregnant will be able to temporarily promote to the ranks of sergeant through sergeant major before completing the mandatory professional military education courses under a policy that starts Jan. 1.
Also on the horizon, a phone application for squad leaders to help with administrative tasks and a prototype for what is expected to become a Sergeants Major Assessment Program, said Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston during an Oct. 1 interview.
Many of the changes fall under Grinston’s signature push during his tenure as the ranking enlisted soldier within the Army, known as “This is My Squad.”
Another policy codified in a Sept. 5 memo included some changes for soldiers going before promotion boards in the future.
Rather than simply being asked about regulations or telling a board about their own assignments and accomplishments, soldiers will be asked about those for whom they’re responsible.
Also on the horizon, a phone application for squad leaders to help with administrative tasks and a prototype for what is expected to become a Sergeants Major Assessment Program, said Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston during an Oct. 1 interview.
Many of the changes fall under Grinston’s signature push during his tenure as the ranking enlisted soldier within the Army, known as “This is My Squad.”
Another policy codified in a Sept. 5 memo included some changes for soldiers going before promotion boards in the future.
Rather than simply being asked about regulations or telling a board about their own assignments and accomplishments, soldiers will be asked about those for whom they’re responsible.
Interesting article -- seems though that every board I've been to -- attendee or board member -- has asked those basic leadership questions abour a leader's subordinates. It is sad, that this is "new"
WO1 (Join to see)
I think during the height of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars there was a significant push to have Soldiers achieve ranks as quickly as possible. Accolades started to come in, and fresh senior NCOs with major accolades themselves started to look for it in junior-NCOs and potential NCOs themselves, and forgot what it actually meant to be an NCO. It is something I noticed during my E5 board (all about me) and the different in my E6 board (lots of questions about what I would provide to BOTH my subordinates and my officers). I strive to teach young Soldiers that being an NCO shouldn't be used as a status indicator (E5 = no "detail" work), but rather a trusted leader that acts a guardian for the junior enlisted (E5 = Always on the ground with his or her Soldiers). It's a hard fight.
Whoa, wait? The stopped asking about their subordinates to promotion boards participants? Since when? Also, a phone app to replace a leader’s book (or something of that kind)? I will assume it comes with the phone too, right?
WO1 (Join to see)
I trust DoD phone apps as I can throw a up-armored HUMVEE.... not at all!
The leader's book standard definitely needs to "get with the times" and utilize technology, but I fear forcing Soldiers to have apps on their phones. The Army should be providing the Leader's Books (both in template and in form) to the FLs in the first place. This reminds me of this story here:
The leader's book standard definitely needs to "get with the times" and utilize technology, but I fear forcing Soldiers to have apps on their phones. The Army should be providing the Leader's Books (both in template and in form) to the FLs in the first place. This reminds me of this story here:
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