Posted on Jul 15, 2019
New Brigadier General Kevin Leahy from Oakland, NJ First Pitch at Yankee Stadium
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I was in the 7th from 1978 to 1981. MG Philip Feir was the former West Point commandant who got caught up in the cheating scandal. My initial assignment was the 519th Maintenance Company (DS/GS) a backup to the Division. My first Battalion Commander was LTC Dennis Benchoff. Ordnance chemical officer. Distinguished grad west point. In our company were 8 warrants, 6 LT's and our Company Commander was Greg Depugh. Infantry. He needed a command so he was our company commander. CW4 Harold Fujimoto was the senior warrant and ran the shop office. He called Greg the Puke and it took. He never came to the shop. Well, the army started doing PT again. The CG called for a division run. I had been running 6 miles a day at lunch to prepare for an upcoming marathon in Chico. So the day of the run the stupid captain the Puke comes down to the shop and says Craig I need you to PT today. In the back, I tell him you have 6 LT's who need this. I am a warrant. Ask Fuji to do it. Or CW3 Frank Baker, CW2 Jim Westmorland (rifted major to do it. this is too important. Benchoff is going to lead the Battalion and you need to lead the 519th. OK Greg but you will regret this. Fuji is smiling. He knows what is coming. So I say ok let's do the daily dozen. Everybody is there an Orange t-shirt with the ordinance bullet in front. So I say we are going to have a normal group and a fast group for the 2-mile run. LT will you take the normal group with all of the other LT's. You all have to run. Including first LT Walt Harley the official shop officer. I was the only warrant to run. We take off on a 6-minute mile pace with about 30 soldiers in my group. At the turn around point of one mile I yell out, by the way, this is the long group too. So on the way back, we are in front of division HQ and soldiers are dropping like flies. We get to mile 5 and there are two left. The one left. The zero. The last two crawl. So Fuji and the rest of the warrants are in tears. The puke shows up in his jeep. Yelling. I say you are being disrespectful captain. Fuji says get off my property or I am calling the DISCOM commander. And never come back. The puke did not make Major.
Ken Kraetzer
Sounds like poor leadership, at West Point everyone from does group run from SUPE on down. One of the reasons everyone liked Gen Caslen, the goal for all was to keep up with him. When Sec. Mark Esper came to West Point, he dolid the morning PT with the cadet company he once was a member of. PT is now key criteria of Army leadership and by leading from up front.
CW4 Craig Urban
Why did I never get a first pitch. I personally know Pete Dawkins. I was a baseball and softball pitcher (hardball). In Germany. Nobody could hit me. Got the German sports medal does this one star have that?????
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