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Responses: 5
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited >1 y ago
Well, he certainly isn't going to just come out and admit it, but to not even acknowledging why some people might think it and call it "preposterous" is telling....
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Right - this kind of conspiracy theorizing is the same thing that happened when 9/11 happened, and the nutters believed Bush hired the hijackers. Believing Bibbi would fire 100+ rockets at his own people is Q -anon level of stupidity, election fraud levels of retard, and intelligence levels of anti vaccers.

There is a word for a group or organization that utilizes assymetric tactics, that target civilians instead military/political targets. The word is terrorist, and if you even for minute entertain that they are somehow the good guys in this, then you are as retarded as the Q-Anon idiots.

To educate you: Manifest Destiny, or colonialism, is not what is going on in Israel or Gaza. First , because Israel willingly gave the land to the Palestineans, and also offered them statehood. Arafat declined. Israel did not have to do this, they have sought a peaceful solution to this, it was the PLO and their bastard child Hamas, that keeps peace from becoming a true thing. remove Hamas, and the brotherhood from the Gaza strip and peace would be a reality.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - Israel "willingly gave the land to the Palestineans [sic]"? What makes you think it was theirs to give given that the people identified as "Palestinians" (correct spelling) have been living on that land since before recorded history?

I get it. You feel the Palestinians should just submit to Israeli rule and do what they are told. I wouldn't expect anything else from you. Destroy and control, right? "Reeducate the children" to your way of thinking. I understand you feel "Manifest Destiny" or the proposition that certain people should control certain lands because God somehow willed it is something you believe in. Of course ISIS was expanding their Caliphate because they felt THEIR god willed it as well. Religion is often used as a justification to subjugate the people indigenous to a land and carry out atrocities, and there will always people that wrap up their actions in some metaphysical rationalization. And if you think Israeli hands are completely clean in this dispute, or he dispute they have been engaged in since they planted their flag, then you are not looking hard enough or simply refuse to see. I expect the latter. Regardless, you certainly aren't in a position to educate anyone.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - It was theirs to give because they seized it after two goddamn wars, by a unified multi national Arab army, that attacked them. Please try to keep up with real history, not the fake bullshit being peddled by the progressive liberal party.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - "Seized" it. Exactly. They took it by force.... their "Manifest Destiny" as it were.

What I really enjoy is when you say things like "remove Hamas, and the brotherhood from the Gaza strip and peace would be a reality" as if the only problem with achieving peace in the Middle East is that they hadn't thought to ask you yet how to do it. Your ego and the hubris that comes along with it is impressive. But it is what we have come to expect from Trump supporters.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
That's absurd. No wonder the Israelis think our press corps is demented.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
Because our press corps IS demented. Its not about the news, its about manipulating the American people.
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
He is a shady guy.
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