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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
You nailed it CPT Jack Durish
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LTC David Brown
I think MRFF is misnamed. Their name should be ,MFFTRF, ie Military freedom from the religious Foundation. What a disgrace they are!
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist

Most tellingly, First Liberty disingenuously claims in its letter to MRFF that the “Eagle Scout intended to use his voice to honor all brave men and women who have served in our armed forces,”. Such a pathetic statement completely and shamefully ignores the indisputably obvious fact that a specifically and blatantly sectarian Christian memorial in NO way honors “ALL” veterans,but only honors Christian veterans to the exclusion of ALL others.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
So what? I don't believe that Jesus died for my sins, but I'll fight to the death for Americans to cling to their religious beliefs. Also, I don't see that the two concepts (Jesus died for our sins and soldiers died for our freedom) are mutually exclusive. If this offends your beliefs, then you need to look more closely at your beliefs. Now, if you want to be offended, how about the fact that the monument failed to mention sailors, Marines, airpersons, and space cadets?
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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CPT Jack Durish - This secret sale of public land was hurried through to completion just 10 days ago on March 19, 2021 in an effort by the Town of Monument and/or others associated with this sordid unconstitutional matter to escape the dire consequences as defendants in a surefire Federal lawsuit brought by MRFF and its MRFF client complainants, most of whom live in the Town of Monument and are also practicing Christians.

It is unconstitutional. Stay within the bounds of the constitution and there is no problem.
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