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CPT Jack Durish
When the Kahn's stood upon a political stage to advance their commercial and political agenda, they lost the shield of their son's service and sacrifice. They sold their Gold Star to advance Mr Kahn's business. I see no reason why Trump's legitimate response to the attack should divide us.
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>1 y
Additionally, their sons work and sacrifice does not entitle the parents to ride the circumstances for their benefit, nor should they get special benefit to their opinion.

This is in addition to some highly suspect articles that Mr. Khan wrote previously where he took the stance that the Quran (as the words of Allah)was the basis for all legality. Which makes his Constitution waving somewhat ironic.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Sorry it took so long to respond SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL. I am not very interested in the parents of Capt Khan especially his father's views on anything.
If the brouhaha was over an editorial or a man in the street interview I would be more sympathetic for Mr. Kham.
However he was chosen to speak at the DNC on the final night as a friend and adviser to the Clintons. He is as partisan as it comes from a liberal/progressive stance and from a Muslim stance.
I am not surprised that there are individuals in the broad military community who were drawn to this incident-response cycle which dominated the "news" for so long.
Hopefully wiser head will prevail in the coming months as substantial, issues are discussed.
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SFC George Smith
Now we Know the rest of the story about Khan... the selling of Immigration Tickets... and US Citizenship and the deposit of $325K to his account from the "Clinton Foundation" ...
This Low life Clown should have ben arrested and Charged ... Bur that will never Happen because of the Muzzy in the W/H and the POS he is supporting... Trump was correct again in calling the Bastard out... The Fact he used His Son is noting less than a Slap in the Face to every Soldier, Sailor ,Airman, and Marine who Has Died in this Mess... Trump may be a Loose Cannon But I'll Take Him over a pathological and Mentally unstable Liar any day of the week...
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