Posted on May 13, 2018
Medal of Honor Recipient Slights Obama, Praises Trump's Capture of 5 ISIS Leaders
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 10
The popular media (based in Hollywood) and the news media (based in New York) are shills for the government (based in the District of Calamity) which is in fear of every success of the Trump Administration. We may still be a nation Of, By, and For the People, but not our government. It is Of, By, and For itself
I see. Trump is "credited" for this capture, but the right refused to credit Obama for killing Ben Laden.
CPT Jack Durish
MAJ Montgomery Granger - Inasmuch as you've gained as many up votes as down votes, I'm going to refrain from voting. Some of what you say is true and some not so much. However, if I have an objection it is simply this: When we comment about President Obama perverting his name or using racially insensitive remarks (not that you used any of those), we denigrate the power of our criticism. There is much to criticize, so much that we need not use hyperbole or make up things. Just stick to the facts and let them speak for themselves. Don't become frustrated that some continue to defend his indefensible behavior. Nothing we say or do will alter their blind rush to worship at the altar of this failure and his failed Administration.
SPC James Harsh
Personally I was physically closer to the Osama raid when it occurred, I thought it was all over the next day when I found out, apparently a bunch of people celebrated at home and didn't see it
SSgt Ray Stone
MAJ Montgomery Granger - Down vote for spreading lies and misinformation. Typical of Pres Bone Spurs supporters
SSgt Ray Stone
CPT Jack Durish - Another right wing lie. Your favorite Pres Bush gave up on hunting Bin Laden, quit with the lies man.
All I would add is our successes began with the appointment of a competent Secretary of Defense and loosening the chains holding our forces back. Go Mad Dog!
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