Posted on Apr 8, 2022
Matt Gaetz receives high praise from Osama bin Laden’s niece in deeply unsettling interview
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 4
Nice use of the bin Laden name. Is she guilty of the crimes of Osama? Have any kind of ties to him? I mean, she the daughter of Osama's half-brother (who was investigated and hadn't seen his half-brother in 20 years). She hasn't seen her father in...what...20 years? Maybe because after divorcing his wife, he had stated he wanted sons, not daughters. Facts the author doesn't point out.
One of his other nieces is a singer. Every person in LA who hangs out with her and buys her records should be tried for treason, huh?
Hahaha. You guys are funny. Keep trying.
One of his other nieces is a singer. Every person in LA who hangs out with her and buys her records should be tried for treason, huh?
Hahaha. You guys are funny. Keep trying.
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