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Responses: 2
CPT Jack Durish
Too funny. It reminds me of the time while still on active duty, I grew a mustache. Not the one in the photo. It was darker, much darker then. My superior, a major, grumbled that all the men would want to grow one just to imitate their captain. However, it fit regulations and he had to grin and bear it. Sure enough, they did. Many using mascara to substitute for a real one. Bear it he did, but not stoically, until one day a lieutenant mentioned to me (within earshot of the major) that I should shave it off. The major's attention instantly turned to us. "Just let your nasal hairs grow and snort them up whenever the major is near". Several enlisted nearby ducked into the latrine to laugh.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
7 y
I can relate.......when I walked into my first Com/Nav work center at MCAS El Toro, as a young Lance Corporal right out of Avionics training, I quickly realized that every enlisted man in the shop was sporting a well trimmed mustache. I immediately set out growing one of my own......and still sport it today (although the original color is long since gone).
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SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
That is hilarious!
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